BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2847alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20200926 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20200927 URL: -2020 SUMMARY:Online AUNZ Worlds Warm-up 2020 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nAUNZ Worlds Warm-up 2020\nRegistrations close 2 hours before the event begins. Late registration may be possible but are discouraged. N ote: This event will be using Standard Ban List 20.09.\nAndroid: Netrunner 2020 Worlds Warm-up tournament\, hosted by the Australia &\; New Zeala nd Netrunner Community. Scheduled a couple of weeks before Worlds 2020\, t his event aims to get players primed and familiar with competitive jinteki .net Netrunner before Worlds in October.\nREGISTRATION FORM: https://forms .gle/WuYgvm2mD1njbQsRA\nENTRY FEE: $10 AUD (~$7.35 USD\, ~6.15€ EUR at t ime of post)\, paid to\nFor inexperienced tourney players\; this event should give you a taste of what to expect from the way online tourneys are run and play out.\nFor the expe rienced\; this event should serve as a good opportunity to try out some li sts\, sharpen those plays and run some servers.\nPlayers from all regions are welcome and encouraged!\nOfficial start time is 11am AEST on Saturday the 26th of September. Check what this is in your personal time zone by us ing this converter.\nPlanned structure is a swiss into top cut\, depending on attendance numbers. The tourney will be run via and Discord\, so make sure to join the official NISEI Online Event Hub server if you hav en't already over at\nPrizes are graciously bei ng handled by community pillar Luke van Ryn! Entry fees are sent directly to him\, and prizes will be sent out from his trove of treasures. More det ailed information regarding prizes to be posted closer to the event date.\ nThe participation promo for this event is the all-new Ark Lockdown by yab oi Eric! All participants will receive 3 copies once they're printed and s hipped.\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Reg istrations close 2 hours before the event begins. Late registrati on may be possible but are discouraged. Note: This event will be using Standard Ban List 20.09.
\nAndroid: Netrunner 2020 Worlds Warm -up tournament\, hosted by the Australia &\; New Zealand Netrunner Comm unity. Scheduled a couple of weeks before Worlds 2020\, this event aims to get players primed and familiar with competitive Netrunner be fore Worlds in October.
\nREGISTRATION FORM: sRA\nENTRY FEE: $10 AUD (~$7.35 USD\, ~6.15€ EUR at time of post)\, paid to
\nFor inexperience d tourney players\; this event should give you a taste of what to expect from the way online tourneys are run and play out.\nFor the exp erienced\; this event should serve as a good opportunity to try out some l ists\, sharpen those plays and run some servers.
\nPlayers from all regions are welcome and encouraged!
\nOfficial start time is 11am AEST on Saturday the 26th of September. Check what this is in your personal time zone by using this converter .
\nPlanned structure is a swiss into top cut\, depending on att endance numbers. The tourney will be run via and Discord\, so make sure to join the official NISEI Online Event Hub server if you haven't already over at
\nPrizes are graciously being handled by community pillar Luke van Ryn! Entry fee s are sent directly to him\, and prizes will be sent out from his trove of treasures. More detailed information regarding prizes to be posted closer to the event date.
\nThe participation promo for this event is the all-new Ark Lockdown by yaboi Eric! All participants will receive 3 copies once they're printed and shipped.