BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2838alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20200905T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20200905T235900 URL: -its-personal SUMMARY:RCG BBQ Lockdown - This time it's personal CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Dear fellow Netrunner Enthusiasts\,\nthe RCG is proud to host i ts traditional September BBQ Tournament again on September 5th 2020 on the premises of the Flugsportverein Rosenheim! Come run some nets and advance some agendas with us - @ll welcome!\n1st for some Copy Paste of Regulatio ns from Vespers Lockdown Events - all copyright is his \;-):\nID choice &a mp\; deckbuilding restrictions\n\nEach legal Runner and Corp ID has a scor e attributed to it\, going from -1 (special case) up to 10.\nPlayers are a llowed to freely pick any Runner and Corp ID to participate with\, as long as the sum of their scores (their "\;ID score"\;) is 10 or less.\ nAs an extra incentive to pick less powerful/popular IDs and diversify the field\, the "\;ID score"\; is considered the primary tie breaker for Swiss ranking in this format. For example\, if two players both are at 12 tournament points after round four of Swiss\, the player with an " \;ID score"\; of 4 would be higher ranked than the player with a score of 9. In case of a tie\, Strength of Schedule and extended SoS will still determine ranking as per usual.\nOutside of these rules\, the game plays identically to Standard format. Rotation and the latest Ban List are in ef fect (in this case SBL 20.06).\n\nCorp ID cost\n10 points\n\nNBN: Controll ing the Message\nTitan Transnational: Investing In Your Future\nAsa Group: Security Through Vigilance\n\n9 points\n\nArgus Security: Protection Guar anteed\n\n8 points\n\nAgInfusion: New Miracles for a New World\nJinteki: R eplicating Perfection\nPālanā Foods: Sustainable Growth\nSportsmetal: Go Big or Go Home\nThe Outfit: Family Owned and Operated\n\n7 points\n\nBlue Sun: Powering the Future\nEarth Station: SEA Headquarters\nJinteki: Perso nal Evolution\n\n6 points\n\nGameNET: Where Dreams are Real\nMirrorMorph: Endless Iteration\nSaraswati Mnemonics: Endless Exploration\nSSO Industrie s: Fueling Innovation\n\n5 points\n\nAcme Consulting: The Truth You Need\n Jinteki Biotech: Life Imagined\n\n4 points\n\nChronos Protocol: Selective Mind-mapping\nHaas-Bioroid: Architects of Tomorrow\nJemison Astronautics: Sacrifice. Audacity. Success\nSYNC: Everything\, Everywhere\n\n3 points\n\ nSpark Agency: Worldswide Reach\nTennin Institute: The Secrets Within\nWey land Consortium: Building a Better World\nWeyland Consortium: Builder of N ations\n\n2 points\n\nNBN: Making News\nSeidr Laboratories: Destiny Define d\n\n1 point\n\nCybernetics Division: Humanity Upgraded\nHaarpsichord Stud ios: Entertainment Unleashed\nHarmony Medtech: Biomedical Pioneer\n\n0 poi nts\n\nHaas-Bioroid: Stronger Together\nHarishchandra Ent.: Where You're t he Star\nHyoubu Institute: Absolute Clarity\nNisei Division: The Next Gene ration\n\n-1 point (yes\, that's correct)\n\nNew Angeles Sol: Your News\n\ nRunner ID cost\n10 points\n\n419: Amoral Scammer\nArmand "\;Geist&quo t\; Walker: Tech Lord\nHayley Kaplan: Universal Scholar\nHoshiko Shiro: Un told Protagonist\n\n9 points\n\nValencia Estevez: The Angel of Cayambe\nLe ela Patel: Trained Pragmatist\n\n8 points\n\nKabonesa Wu: Netspace Thrills eeker\n\n7 points\n\nAdam: Compulsive Hacker\nEle "\;Smoke"\; Scov ak: Cynosure of the Net\nFreedom Khumalo: Crypto-Anarchist\nRielle "\; Kit"\; Peddler: Transhuman\nSunny Lebeau: Security Specialist\n\n6 poi nts\n\nAlice Merchant: Clan Agitator\nMaxX: Maximum Punk Rock\n\n5 points\ n\nEdward Kim: Humanity's Hammer\nKen "\;Express"\; Tenma: Disappe ared Clone\nLat: Ethical Freelancer\nOmar Keung: Conspiracy Theorist\nRein a Roja: Freedom Fighter\n\n4 points\n\nAz McCaffrey: Mechanical Prodigy\nQ uetzal: Free Spirit\n\n3 points\n\nGabriel Santiago: Consummate Profession al\nNull: Whistleblower\n\n2 points\n\nAkiko Nisei: Head Case\nChaos Theor y: Wünderkind\nJesminder Sareen: Girl Behind the Curtain\nLos: Data Hijac ker\nNathaniel "\;Gnat"\; Hall: One-of-a-Kind\n\n1 points\n\nIain Stirling: Retired Spook\nKhan: Savvy Skiptracer\nLaramy Fisk: Savvy Invest or\nNero Severn: Information Broker\nSilhouette: Stealth Operative\n\n0 po ints\n\nApex: Invasive Predator\n\nQuestion: Does the ID point limit count for using DJ Fenris ?\nAnswer: YES IT DOES - YOU CAN'T dance to DJ FENRIS with another RUNNER that has an illegal/excessive ID cost.\nRunner ID + C orp ID + Runner ID hosted on DJ Fenris have to have an ID cost equal to or lower than 10\nBanlist:\nCorp:\nDaily Quest (NBN)\nObokata Protokoll (Jin teki)\nFötale Ai/ Fetal AI (Jinteki)\nBoom! (Weyland)\nBioethics Assosiat ion (Jinteki)\nBorder Control (Weyland)\nBiotic Labor (HB)\nEconomic Warfa re (Weyland)\nRunner:\nRebirth (neutral)\nPelangi (Shaper)\nKeiko (Anarch) \nConsume / Verschlingen (Apex)\nAumakua (Criminal)\nFaust (Anarch)\nSelfm od./Selbstschr. Code (Shaper)\nClass Act (Criminal)\nPad Tap (Criminal)\nC over Charge:\nWe Will pick GNKs according to attendees and devide the cost by player resulting in a Cover Charge of roughly\n5-10 Credits\n(Surplus Money exceeding the cost of the Kit(s) will go to the Flugsportverein as a Donation for letting us use their club home)\nGame Mode:\nLockdown Format as created by Vesper with all current regulations.\nBBQ:\nWe want to make this a pleasant and fun event for everyone\, competetive and casual playe rs alike\, so we are planning to do a BBQ. Bring your own meat and soy or maybe an order from our Insider is possible again (see Discussion in the F acebook event)\nRounds:\nThe official Tournament will go over 3 to 4 Round s depending on the number of Attendees.\nTiming:\nBBQ will be had at high noon.\nDrinks:\nHelp the Verein with 1 Credit for cold Softdrinks or 1\,5 credits for a Beer or just bring your own.\nShuttleservice:\nWe will have a Car pickung you up from Flintsbach Trainstation if need be.\nStarting ti me:\n10:00 - we start early cause of the BBQ and because I have to attend a Birthday Party later that day \,-)\nAftershow Party:\nIt might be possib le to stay a bit longer\, have more games\, drink food after the official Tournament Part is over.\nHopefully see you in the near Future\,\nLate\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Dear fellow Netrunner Enthusiasts\,
\nthe RCG is proud to host its traditional September BBQ Tournament again o n September 5th 2020 on the premises of the Flugsportverein Rosenheim! Com e run some nets and advance some agendas with us - @ll welcome!
\n1s t for some Copy Paste of Regulations from Vespers Lockdown Events - all co pyright is his \;-):
\nID choice &\; deckbuilding restrictions
\nCorp ID cost\n10 poin ts
\n9 points
\n8 points
\n7 points
\n\n6 points
\n5 points
\n4 points
\n3 points
\n2 points
\n1 point
\n0 points
\nRunner ID cost\n10 points
\n9 points
\n8 points
\n7 points
\n6 points
\n5 points
\n4 points
\n3 points
\n2 points
\n1 points
\n0 points
\nQuestion: Does the ID point limit count for using DJ Fenri s ?\nAnswer: YES IT DOES - YOU CAN'T dance to DJ FENRIS with another RUNNE R that has an illegal/excessive ID cost.\nRunner ID + Corp ID + Runner ID hosted on DJ Fenris have to have an ID cost equal to or lower than 10
\ nBanlist:
\nCorp:\nDaily Quest (NBN)\nObokata Protokoll (Jinteki) \nFötale Ai/ Fetal AI (Jinteki)\nBoom! (Weyland)\nBioethics Assosiation ( Jinteki)\nBorder Control (Weyland)\nBiotic Labor (HB)\nEconomic Warfare (W eyland)
\nRunner:\nRebirth (neutral)\nPelangi (Shaper)\nKeiko (Anarc h)\nConsume / Verschlingen (Apex)\nAumakua (Criminal)\nFaust (Anarch)\nSel fmod./Selbstschr. Code (Shaper)\nClass Act (Criminal)\nPad Tap (Criminal)< /p>\n
Cover Charge:\nWe Will pick GNKs according to attendees and devide the cost by player resulting in a Cover Charge of roughly\n5-10 Credits\n (Surplus Money exceeding the cost of the Kit(s) will go to the Flugsportve rein as a Donation for letting us use their club home)
\nGame Mode:\ nLockdown Format as created by Vesper with all current regulations.
\n< p>BBQ:\nWe want to make this a pleasant and fun event for everyone\, compe tetive and casual players alike\, so we are planning to do a BBQ. Bring yo ur own meat and soy or maybe an order from our Insider is possible again ( see Discussion in the Facebook event)\nRounds:\nThe official Tourna ment will go over 3 to 4 Rounds depending on the number of Attendees.
\ nTiming:\nBBQ will be had at high noon.
\nDrinks:\nHelp the Verei n with 1 Credit for cold Softdrinks or 1\,5 credits for a Beer or just bri ng your own.
\nShuttleservice:\nWe will have a Car pickung you up fr om Flintsbach Trainstation if need be.
\nStarting time:\n10:00 - we start early cause of the BBQ and because I have to attend a Birthday Party later that day \,-)
\nAftershow Party:\nIt might be possible to sta y a bit longer\, have more games\, drink food after the official Tournamen t Part is over.
\nHopefully see you in the near Future\,\nLate