BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2826alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Zurich:20200823T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Zurich:20200823T235900 URL: air-gnk-2 LOCATION:Rathausgasse 52\, 3011 Bern\, Switzerland SUMMARY:Meet and Re-Bern - Dragon's Lair GNK 2 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Meet and Re-Bern - Dragon's Lair GNK 2\n\nMeatspace or online?\ nThis is meant to be a physical meet and play at the store Drachenäscht i n Bern. If you have no possibility or wish to participate in person i will keep the option open for online participation. If you attend in person an d have a portable device: please bring your laptop\, in case you have an o nline opponent. Voice chat in online matches are not mandatory\, but I str ongly recommend it. Playing through a lot of online tournament lately thau ght me that it is crucial for most people for a good tournament experience .\nPlease fill out this to register:\nRegistration Form\nSafety First\nYou all know the drill by now\, but let me mention it nevertheless:\n\nIf you come in person\, feel free to wear a mask. It is also not mandatory\, and we will be a small group\, but everything that will make you feel safe is commendable.\nPlease wash your hands regularly. Hand desinfectant will be present on site\nTry not to touch your opponents cards if not necessary\n \nTimetable\nThere will be x rounds depending on player number\, no cut. F ormat is Standard concerning NISEI Rules.\n\n\nRegistration until 10.30 h\ , Sunday 23rd of August\nPlayer Meeting: 10.30 h - 10.50 h\nRound 1 starts : 11.00 h\n\n\nEntry fee\nPlease pay the fee of 10 CHF or Euros in cash on the day or in advance via:\n\nTwint: 078 646 57 76\nBank Transfer: IBAN C H50 0900 0000 8727 5247 8\n\nThere is no word on the GNK2\, but there will be price support\, tbd\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
This is meant to be a physica l meet and play at the store Drachenäscht in Bern. If you have no possibi lity or wish to participate in person i will keep the option open for onli ne participation. If you attend in person and have a portable device: plea se bring your laptop\, in case you have an online opponent. Voice chat in online matches are not mandatory\, but I strongly recommend it. Playing th rough a lot of online tournament lately thaught me that it is crucial for most people for a good tournament experience.
\nPlease fill out this to register:\nRegistration Form
\nYou all know the drill by now\, but let me mention it nevertheless:
\nThere will be x rounds depending on player numbe r\, no cut. Format is Standard concerning NISEI Rules.
\nPlease pay the fee of 10 CHF or Euros in cash on the day or in advance via:
\nThere is no word on the GNK2\, but there will be price support\, tbd