BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2813alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20200719T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20200719T235900 URL: nner-store-championship SUMMARY:ECG Presents Seattle Netrunner Store Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Welcome to the (belated) Seattle Store Championship 2020!\nThe tournament date and time is 19 July 2020 at 10 Pacific Standard Time hoste d on!\nWe will do at minimum 4 rounds at 55 minutes each\, and if attendance exceeds expectations we could proceed to a cut to the top f our (this information will be determined beforehand and made public as the tournament starts).\nCommunication will require Discord (voice chat is en couraged but not required)!\nPlease join the Emerald City Grid discord ser ver if you want to stay up to date on any changes w.\nThe #store-championship channel will be the primary method of communic ating updated pairings\, changes\, information\, etc.\nI\, Chris Hertlein (CryptoGraham [JNet\, stimslack]\, Chris#2523 [Discord]\, david.chris.hert [email]) will be the Tournament Organizer\, so if you have any questions\, concerns or issues\, please do not hesitate to reach out t o me!\n=============================================================\nForm at:\nWe will be using the NISEI standard format\, along with the new Banli st 20.06 format. The prize support will be the 2020 NISEI Store Champ kit which includes the following:\n\n\n51x alt-art House of Knives cards (art by Zoe Cohen)\n\n\n27x alt-art Project Beale cards (art by Zoe Cohen)\n\n\ n4x Tollbooth playmats (art by N. Hopkins)\n\n\n1x Regional Championship B ye\n\n\nAdditionally\, the Scorched Earth Prize this year (for last place) will be a single set of my very own Stimhack alt-arts!\n================= =============================================\nThe registration fee is $10 USD\, and should be sent via PayPal to (In the note\, please just say "\;Seattle NISEI Store Champ"\;). Afte r submitting your registration fee\, please fill out this Google form.\nPl ease do not register with the Google form until you have paid your registr ation fee!\nIf you have an issue with the registration fee or PayPal\, ple ase reach out to me via email\, Stimslack or Discord as soon as possible! I do not want something as simple as an entry fee from barring anyone who wants to have fun with everyone else. We can try to work something out!\nI will likely stream this on Twitch on my very own channel\, details upcomi ng about if that will still happen:\ nGood luck\, and happy running!\nTournament pairings will be provided on C\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
The tournament date and time is 19 July 2020 at 1 0 Pacific Standard Time hosted on J!
\nWe will do at minimum 4 rounds at 55 minutes each\, and if attendance exceeds expectations we could proceed to a cut to the top four (this information will be determined beforehand and made pub lic as the tournament starts).
\nCommunication will require Discord (voice chat is encouraged but not required)!
\nPlease join the E merald City Grid discord server if you want to stay up to date on any changes a>.
\nThe #store-championship channel will be the primary method of communicating updated pairings\, changes\, information\, etc.
\nI\, Chris Hertlein (CryptoGraham [JNet\, stimslack]\, Chris#2523 [Discord]\, d [email]) will be the Tournament Organizer\, so if you have any questions\, concerns or issues\, please do not hesitate to reach out to me!
\n============================================= ================
\nWe will be usi ng the NISEI standard format\, along with the new Banlist 20.06 format. The prize support will be the 2020 NISEI Store Champ kit strong> which includes the following:
\n51x alt-art Hous e of Knives cards (art by Zoe Cohen)
\n27x alt-art Proj ect Beale cards (art by Zoe Cohen)
\n4x Tollbooth playm ats (art by N. Hopkins)
\n1x Regional Championship Bye< /p>\n
Additionally\, the Scorched Earth Prize this year (f or last place) will be a single set of my very own Stimhack alt-arts!
\ n==============================================================
\nThe registration fee is $10 USD\, and should be sent via PayPal to (In the note\, please just say & quot\;Seattle NISEI Store Champ"\;). After submitting your registratio n fee\, please fill out th is Google form.
\nPlease do not register with the Google for m until you have paid your registration fee!
\nIf you have an issue with the registration fee or PayPal\, please reach out to me via email\, Stimslack or Discord as soon as possible! I do not want something as simple as an entry fee from barring anyone who wants to have fun with e veryone else. We can try to work something out!
\nI will likely stream this on Twitch on my very own channel\, details upcoming about if that will still happen:
\nGood luck\, and happy ru nning!
\nTournament pairings will be provided on