BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2812alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20200808 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20200809 URL: mpionship SUMMARY:NISEI Intercontinental Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nWatch as the 24 of the most competitive players in Netrunner\ , duke it out for the title of Intercontinental Champion 2020\ rojectNisei\nEvent Starts at 11am UTC Saturday 8th August\nNormally\, any tournament of this size would start with four rounds of Swiss\, followed b y a cut to top four. However\, these players have already proven they are ‘top cut material’\, so we will employ a special format that cuts righ t to the chase:\nSurvival Swiss.\nThe rules:\n\n\nPaired like Swiss\, but each round is a single game.\n\n\nSides will be chosen based on whichever deck has seen the least play. If tied\, sides will be chosen at random.\n\ n\nA player has 3 lives and loses a life each game they lose\, once they h ave lost 3 games (and thus their lives) they are eliminated from the event \n\n\nSingle match Swiss continues until all players but one have lost thr ee games. (Players can play the same player twice\, although they will be weighted not to)\n\n\nThe last standing player is our Intercontinental Cha mpion.\n\n\nAnd what exclusive Intercontinental prizes are they playing fo r?\nChampion: Worlds bye\nTop 8: Colossus playmat (art by Krembler)\nAll: Plastic Hoshiko Shiro flip identity (art by Luminita Pham)\nAll: Daily Bus iness Show* alt art (art by David Lei)\nAll: Preemptive Action alt art (ar t by Olie Boldador)\n*Daily Business Show’s alt art features an errata f rom the upcoming Comprehensive Rules 1.5 update. As this card’s errata w as already complete\, we are able to offer it with its new text ahead of time. The previously printed text for Daily Business show will remain in e ffect until CR 1.5 is released.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Watch as the 24 of the most competitive player s in Netrunner\, duke it out for the title of Intercontinental Champion 20 20
\nEvent Starts at 11am UTC Saturday 8th August
\nNormally\, any tournament of this si ze would start with four rounds of Swiss\, followed by a cut to top four. However\, these players have already proven they are ‘top cut material ’\, so we will employ a special format that cuts right to the chase:
\nSurvival Swiss.
\nThe rules:
\nPaired like Sw iss\, but each round is a single game.
\nSides will be chosen based on whichever deck has seen the least play. If tied\, sides wi ll be chosen at random.
\nA player has 3 lives and lose s a life each game they lose\, once they have lost 3 games (and thus their lives) they are eliminated from the event
\nSingle mat ch Swiss continues until all players but one have lost three games. (Playe rs can play the same player twice\, although they will be weighted not to)
\nThe last standing player is our Intercontinental Cha mpion.
\nAnd what exclusive Intercontinental prizes ar e they playing for?
\nChampion: Worlds bye
\nTop 8: Colossus p laymat (art by Krembler)
\nAll: Plastic Hoshiko Shiro flip identity (art by Luminita Pham)
\nAll: Daily Business Show* alt art (art by D avid Lei)
\nAll: Preemptive Action alt art (art by Olie Boldador)
\n*Daily Business Show’s alt art features an errata from the upcomin g Comprehensive Rules 1.5 update. As this card’s errata was already comp lete\, we are able to offer it with its new text ahead of time. The previ ously printed text for Daily Business show will remain in effect until CR 1.5 is released.