BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2811alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20200801T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20200802T235900 URL: -championship SUMMARY:NISEI American Continental Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Please Note Times Are In CDT\n\n\nAs we announced in our previ ous article for a New Agenda for 2020 championships\, NISEI will host thre e Continental Championships.\nThe top 8 competitors in each of these event s will be invited to participate in the succeeding Intercontinental Champi onship. For this reason\, we will enforce a one event per person policy\, so please remember this when you purchase your ticket.\nPlease note: these events are separate from the Online World Championship\, the details for which will be announced in due time.\nIt has now been several months that tournaments have been held exclusively online\, and we have thought long a nd hard about the type of improvements that will require to fa cilitate these events. The JNet team has been working tirelessly on instal ling these upgrades\, and we're as excited as you are to see them in actio n.\nOrganization will take place via the Project NISEI Discord which you c an join here: here. For an FAQ on the event discord go here\nFor those who just wish to spectate\, these events will of course be streamed - and we ’ll be raffling tons of prizes off to random viewers as well! ProjectNisei\n\nAmerican Continentals: 1st and 2nd August\nRegistration &a mp\; ticket sales close Friday 31st July 11:00h CDT\nSaturday 1st August S wiss\nDiscord Meeting 10:30h CDT\nTournament Starts 11:00h CDT\nSunday 2nd August Top 16\nDiscord Meeting 10:30h CDT\nTournament Starts 11:00h CDT\n [Buy Tickets here]\n\nPrizes\nTop 4: Foil Hedge Fund by Kira L. Nguyen (Al t Art)\nTop 16: Týr by Liiga Smilshkalne (Playmat)\nTop 32: Double-sided Earth Station by Kira L. Nguyen (Plastic ID)\nTop Half: Anansi by Galen Da ra (Alt Art)\nTop Half: Enigma by Benjamin Giletti (Alt Art)\nParticipatio n: Hedge Fund by Kira L. Nguyen (Alt Art)\nPlease contact Nisei here or @A n Ordinary Hacker Girl on Stimhack Slack if you have any questions\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Please Note Times Are In CDT




As we announced in our previous article for a New Agenda for 2020 c hampionships\, NISEI will host three Continental Championships.


Th e top 8 competitors in each of these events will be invited to participate in the succeeding Intercontinental Championship. For this reason\, we wil l enforce a one event per person policy\, so please remember this when you purchase your ticket.


Please note: these events are separate from the Online World Championship\, the details for which will be announc ed in due time.


It has now been several months that tournamen ts have been held exclusively online\, and we have thought long and hard a bout the type of improvements that will require to facilitate these events. The JNet team has been working tirelessly on installing thes e upgrades\, and we're as excited as you are to see them in action.

\n< p>Organization will take place via the Project NISEI Discord which you can join here: here. For an FAQ on the event discord go here


For those who just wish to spectate\, these events will of course be strea med - and we’ll be raffling tons of prizes off to random viewers as well !


American Continentals: 1s t and 2nd August\nRegistration &\; ticket sales close Friday 3 1st July 11:00h CDT\nSaturday 1st August Swiss\nDiscord Meeting 10:30h CDT \nTournament Starts 11:00h CDT\nSunday 2nd August Top 16\nDiscord Meeting 10:30h CDT\nTournament Starts 11:00h CDT\n[Buy Tickets here]




Top 4: Foil Hedge Fund by Kira L. Nguyen (Alt Art)\nTop 16: Týr by Liiga Smilshkalne (Playmat)\nTop 32: Double-sided Earth Station by Kira L. Nguy en (Plastic ID)\nTop Half: Anansi by Galen Dara (Alt Art)\nTop Half: Enigm a by Benjamin Giletti (Alt Art)\nParticipation: Hedge Fund by Kira L. Nguy en (Alt Art)


Please contact Nisei here or @An Ordinary Hacker Girl on Stimhack Slack if you ha ve any questions