BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2804alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20200718 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20200719 URL: -experience-online-gnk SUMMARY:Dyper Associations Virtual Experience (online GNK) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Despite the title it will all be organised in advance rather th an really quickly at 10:29 Saturday morning. But i make no promises.\nWith continentals soon\, some people wanted a quick GNK to try out decks and t o get a better idea of Jnet so have asked me to run an event.\nThere are a lready some great events that amazing people are holding like the Iberian Lockdown events (you should check them out if you've not seen them). Think of this event as more of a GNK level of event. There is not going to be a ny ban list just the most recent MWL will apply (note to future Swiftie\, come back and update this when we get the next one). This event is open to anyone so feel free to join in\, don’t believe the propaganda\, Rotage and I are actually really nice people.\nI've got a google form for people to submit ID's\, this is more to help get the event set up. I'm not going to hold you to the ID if you answer the form early. But between 10:30 and 11 on the day shoot me a message and I'll update your IDs. We are meeting in the online GNK 2 discord channel and the event will be played in the se cond lobby. If anyone gets lost follow someone with a backpack as they are likely going to the same event as you.\nHopefully this will all work out fine and we will be ready to start come 11AM\nThere are going to be 4 roun ds followed by a cut to top 3. The rounds will be 70 min long to accommoda te for any JNET issues. The cut will be 2nd plays 3rd and winner plays fir st.\n\nThe winner will be crowned (insert fancy title here\, Rotage any ideas?).\nAs with the last event I'm not go ing to charge anyone for playing (so there are no prizes). But if you want to please make a donation to doctors without borders for the time spent o rganising and running the event. I've got a running record of the amounts that have been raised for the events that I've been running so if you do m ake one please send me a screenshot of the amount.\n xqvAxPa1s5bN8\n\nhttps://www.timeand - to help our international friends with the time.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Despite the title it will all be organised in advance rather than really quickly at 10:29 Saturday morning. But i mak e no promises.
\nWith continentals soon\, some people wanted a quick GNK to try out decks and to get a better idea of Jnet so have asked me to run an event.
\nThere are already some great events that amazing pe ople are holding like the Iberian Lockdown events (you should check them o ut if you've not seen them). Think of this event as more of a GNK level of event. There is not going to be any ban list just the most recent MWL wil l apply (note to future Swiftie\, come back and update this when we get th e next one). This event is open to anyone so feel free to join in\, don’ t believe the propaganda\, Rotage and I are actually really nice people. p>\n
I've got a google form for people to submit ID's\, this is more to help get the event set up. I'm not going to hold you to the ID if you answ er the form early. But between 10:30 and 11 on the day shoot me a message and I'll update your IDs. We are meeting in the online GNK 2 discord chann el and the event will be played in the second lobby. If anyone gets lost f ollow someone with a backpack as they are likely going to the same event a s you.
\nHopefully this will all work out fine and we will be ready to start come 11AM
\nThere are going to be 4 rounds followed by a cu t to top 3. The rounds will be 70 min long to accommodate for any JNET iss ues. The cut will be 2nd plays 3rd and winner plays first.
\nhttps:/ /
\nThe winner will be crowned (insert fanc y title here\, Rotage any ideas?).
\nAs with the last event I'm not going to charge anyone for playing (so there are no prizes). But if you wa nt to please make a donation to doctors without borders for the time spent organising and running the event. I've got a running record of the amount s that have been raised for the events that I've been running so if you do make one please send me a screenshot of the amount.
\nhttps://forms .gle/sdGZxqvAxPa1s5bN8
\ n - to help our international f riends with the time.