BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2791alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20200608 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20200609 URL: -edition SUMMARY:GLC Modded Tournament: June Edition CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Greetings @everyone\, let's get a @modded tournament going!\nMy objective with this tournament is to be as accessible as possible. It's a small cardpool which will be great for new players\, but has enough dept h that you can still build creative decks!\nI will run this as a drop-in d rop-out tournament with weekly matches. Each round of the tournament will be 4 matches\, after which standings will be reset and I'll start a new r ound!\nThe current cardpool is:\n\nSyscore 19\nUprising\nDownfall\n\nIf yo u're planning to participate\, send me a DM and I'll get you registered. I'm not going to track your ID's\, so feel free to change up between round s.\nWe'll be staying with the same rules as ever:\n\nTournament will be li mited to weekly swiss rounds with no top cuts and will last 4 weeks.\nPart icipants will be playing both as Corp and Runner\, each win netting 3 poin ts.\nIf you'd like to drop out\, let me know and I'll work on getting the tables evened out. Please let me know after you finish your match and bef ore next pairings are posted.\nAfter you complete your match\, post the re sults in #modded-tournament and @tag me so I can get your results logged.\ n\nIf you have any questions\, feel free to ask on the Discord!\nHelpful l inks:\nGLC Discord Server\nModded card pool\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Greetings @everyone\, let's get a @modded t ournament going!
\nMy objective with this tournament is to be as acc essible as possible. It's a small cardpool which will be great for new pl ayers\, but has enough depth that you can still build creative decks!
\ nI will run this as a drop-in drop-out tournament with weekly matches. Each round of the tournament will be 4 matches\, after which standings wi ll be reset and I'll start a new round!
\nThe current cardpool is: p>\n
\nSyscore 19
\n\nIf you're planning to participate\, send me a DM and I'll g et you registered. I'm not going to track your ID's\, so feel free to cha nge up between rounds.
\nWe'll be staying with the same rules as eve r:
\n\nTournament will be limited to weekly swiss rounds with no top cuts and will last 4 weeks.
\nParticipants will be play ing both as Corp and Runner\, each win netting 3 points.
\nIf you'd like to drop out\, let me know and I'll work on getting the tables evened out. Please let me know after you finish your match and before next pairi ngs are posted.
\nAfter you complete your match\, post the results i n #modded-tournament and @tag me so I can get your results logged.
\n blockquote>\nIf you have any questions\, feel free to ask on the Discor d!
\nHelpful links: