BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2790alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Brussels:20200619T190000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Brussels:20200619T235900 URL: SUMMARY:Belgium Summer Series Nr. 1 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Are you tired of playing Azmari &\; 419? Do you want to play Nasir again? Do you want to support the Artist Colony?\n-->\; Enter th e Belgian Summer Series.\nThis will be a bi-weekly event on Friday evening . The format is the [Frankfurt30] closed cube. Every faction has a few leg al decks to play against other decks from the format. All the decks are on Netrunnerdb (with thanks to MaikH!) These decks are made up out of cards up to Reign &\; Reverie\, can be made with 1 collection and are balance d against each other.\nDecklists:\nThe first night is on Friday 19-06-2020. We will play 3 rounds of Swiss with a cut for the top 3. We meet at 18:45 for player meeting on the official Nisei Discord. We will start at 19:00. Don't be late...\nParticipation price will be € 3 per player/evening or € 22 for the 10 events.\nPayment must be paid i n advance of the start of the event. (Paypal:\nC an't Paypal? Send a PM/mail and we can work things out.\nRegistration: htt ps://\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Are you tired of playing Azmari &\; 419? Do you want to play Nasir again? Do you want to support the Artist Colon y?
\n-->\; Enter the Belgian Summer Series.
\nThis will be a bi-weekly event on Friday evening. The format is the [Frankfurt30] closed cube. Every faction has a few legal decks to play against other decks fro m the format. All the decks are on Netrunnerdb (with thanks to MaikH!) The se decks are made up out of cards up to Reign &\; Reverie\, can be made with 1 collection and are balanced against each other.\nDecklists: https: //
\nThe first night is on Friday 19-06-2020. We will play 3 rounds of Swiss with a cut for the top 3. We meet at 18:45 for play er meeting on the official Nisei Discord. We will start at 19:00. Don't be late...
\nParticipation price will be € 3 per player/evening or € 22 for the 10 events.\nPayment must be paid in advance of the start of the event. (Paypal:\nCan't Paypal? Send a PM/ma il and we can work things out.
\nRegistration: bVmx3c8FDMSAs5