BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:279alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20170225T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20170225T235900 URL: LOCATION:32 Central Rd\, Leeds LS1 6DE\, UK SUMMARY:Leeds - Travelling Man -SC CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nHi everyone\,\nWe are running our Android Netrunner Store Cha mpionship for 2017 so head on down to OPS to battle it out for the kudos a nd the exclusive prizes!\nFormat: Basic tournament structure - Relaxed tie r\nWhen: Saturday 25th February\nDoors: 10:30am\nTournament Start: 11am\nE ntry: £8.50\nPrizes\n\n\nTop 32 - The top thirty-two players will each re ceive a copy of the alternate art card Pad Campaign - an easy\, hands-off investment that can pay for itself…If you can protect it.\n\nTop 8 - The top eight players will each receive a deckbox to hold your assets and har dware in.\n\nTop 4 - The top four players will each receive a playmat depi cting some Anarchs ready to run amok.\n\nTop 2 - The top two players will each receive a printed acrylic token to be used with the card Femme Fatale .\n\nFirst Place - The winner will receive a color printed plaque and a fi rst round bye (not pictured) to a 2017 Android: NetrunnerRegional Champion ship of their choice!\n\nVenue: Travelling Man OPS\, 107 Kirkgate\, Leeds\ , LS1 6DP. We're upstairs in the building next to the Regent Pub. Press th e buzzer marked Travelling Man next to the red door and someone will let y ou in.\nThis event will be hosted by Bobby Moran\nAny questions you can co ntact me:\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
\nHi everyone\,
We are running our Android Netru nner Store Championship for 2017 so head on down to OPS to battle it out f or the kudos and the exclusive prizes!
\nFormat: Basic tournament st ructure - Relaxed tier\nWhen: Saturday 25th February\nDoors: 10:30am\nTour nament Start: 11am\nEntry: £8.50
\nVenue: Travelling Man OPS\, 107 Kirkgate\, Leeds\, LS1 6DP. We're upstairs in the building next to the Regent Pub. Press the buzzer marked Travelling Man next to the red door and someone will let you in.
\nThis event will be hosted b y Bobby Moran\nAny questions you can contact me: