BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2787alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20200608 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20200609 URL: SUMMARY:GLC RetRunner Round 9 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:RetRunner is a once-a-month-ish tournament where we started at the beginning with original core\, and each new bracket we add in the next product\, in release order. We're up to Lunar now\, and we're aiming to get through the entire product backlog! This is a great opportunity for n ew players to experience some of the older metas\, and with a much smaller cardpool to boot!\nThe current cardpool is:\n\nOriginal Core (x3)\nCreati on &\; Control\nHonor &\; Profit\nGenesis Cycle\nSpin Cycle\nLunar C ycle\nOrder and Chaos (new!)\nNo MWL\, erratas follow FFG's FAQ 4.2 (this means only 1x Astro per deck!)\n\nThis tournament will be hosted on the Gr een Level Clearance Discord server\nIf you're planning to participate\, ho p into the server if you haven't yet\, then PM me (Dirjel#7234) your corp ID and runner ID and I'll get you registered! Registration closes Sunday the 7th!\nWe'll be staying with the same rules as ever:\n\nTournament will be limited to weekly swiss rounds with no top cuts and will last 4-5 week s depending on the number of players.\nParticipants will be playing both a s Corp and Runner\, each win netting 3 points.\nYou have to keep the same identities\, but you're allowed to swap out any card in your decks between matches.\nAfter you complete your match\, post the results in #tournament -games and @tag both me and your opponent so I can get your results logged .\n\nIf you have any questions\, feel free to ask here on Reddit or via Di scord.\nHelpful links:\nGLC Server\nRetRunner card pool\nABR Listing for t he last round\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

RetRunner is a once-a-month-ish tournament where we started at the beginning with original core\, and each new bracke t we add in the next product\, in release order. We're up to Lunar now\, and we're aiming to get through the entire product backlog! This is a gre at opportunity for new players to experience some of the older metas\, and with a much smaller cardpool to boot!


The current cardpool is:


Original Core (x3)


Creation &\; Control


Honor &\; Profit


Genesis Cycle


Spin Cycle


Lunar Cycle


Order and Chaos (new!)


No MWL \, erratas follow FFG's FAQ 4.2 (this means only 1x Astro per deck!)


This tournament will be hosted on the Green Level Clearance Discord server


If you're planning to participate\, hop into the server if you haven' t yet\, then PM me (Dirjel#7234) your corp ID and runner ID and I'll get y ou registered! Registration closes Sunday the 7th!


We'll be stayi ng with the same rules as ever:


Tournament will be l imited to weekly swiss rounds with no top cuts and will last 4-5 weeks dep ending on the number of players.


Participants will be playing both as Corp and Runner\, each win netting 3 points.


You have to keep the same identities\, but you're allowed to swap out any card in your deck s between matches.


After you complete your match\, post the result s in #tournament-games and @tag both me and your opponent so I can get you r results logged.


If you have any questions\, feel free to ask here on Reddit or via Discord.


Helpful links:


GLC Server


RetRunner card pool


ABR Listing for the last round