BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2782alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20200608 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20200609 URL: SUMMARY:lancashire lockdown CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Taking inspiration from the Iberian Lockdown events\, this even t will have both Diversified Portfolio rules\, plus certain cards will be "\;locked down"\; (banned).\nThis is a free event with some prizes from me and also generously donated from the online GNK community.\nWhat are Diversified Portfolio rules? To encourage ID diversity\, all IDs are a ssigned a points value\, and then you are given a limited budget (5) to sp end on 'buying' your two IDs. Further\, to encourage more creativity\, whe re people are level in Swiss\, the first tiebreaker will be fewest ID poin ts spent\, before SoS and ESoS as normal.\nThe corp tiers are:\n6 points ( banned): Titan\n5 points: Gagarin\, Argus\, CtM\, Azmari\, Asa\n4.5 points : The Outfit\, Earth Station\n4 points: SSO\, RP\, Palana\, AgInfusion\, S portsMetal\n3.5 points: Blue Sun\, GameNET\, MirrorMorph\n3 points: Builde r of Nations\, PE\, Biotech\n2.5 points: SYNC\, Saraswati\n2 points: Jemis on\, Acme\n1.5 points: Haarpsichord\, Tennin\, Chronos Protocol\n1 point: BABW\, Spark\, Architects of Tomorrow\n0.5 point: Making News\, Harmony Me dtech\, Cybernetics Division\n0 points: New Angeles Sol\, Harishchandra\, Nisei Division\, Hyoubu Institute\, Stronger Together\, Seidr Labs\nRunner Tiers:\n6 points (banned): Geist\n5 points: 419\, Hayley\, Hoshiko\n4.5 p oints: Val\n4 points: Leela\, Freedom\n3.5 points: Maxx\, Wu\, Smoke\, Sun ny\n3 points: Alice\, Omar\, Ken Tenma\, Kit\, Adam\n2.5 points: Eddie Kim \, Chaos Theory\, Lat\n2 points: Reina\, Az\, Los\n1.5 points: Gnat\, Null \, Gabe\n1 point: Quetzal\, Akiko\n0.5 point: Khan\, Jesminder\, Apex\n0 p oints: Iain\, Fisk\, Nero\, Silhouette\nLocked down (banned) cards:\nAll c urrents\nHB: Team Sponsorship\nJinteki: Kakugo\nNBN: Hard Hitting News\nWe yland: Border Control\nAnarch: Stargate\nCriminal: Boomerang\nShaper: Reze ki\nMinis: Apocalypse\nThe tournament will have 60 minutes per round and r un via the Nisei Online Events Discord and Cobra. Please familiarise yours elf with both in advance if you've not already. All times given are UK tim es (UTC +1). Any questions please ask in advance.\nnumber of rounds will d epend on players but capped at 4 with no cut\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Taking inspiration from the Iberian Lockdow n events\, this event will have both Diversified Portfolio rules\, plus ce rtain cards will be "\;locked down"\; (banned).


This is a free event with some prizes from me and also generously donated from the o nline GNK community.


What are Diversified Portfolio rules? To enco urage ID diversity\, all IDs are assigned a points value\, and then you ar e given a limited budget (5) to spend on 'buying' your two IDs. Further\, to encourage more creativity\, where people are level in Swiss\, the first tiebreaker will be fewest ID points spent\, before SoS and ESoS as normal .


The corp tiers are:


6 points (banned): Titan\n5 points: Gagarin\, Argus\, CtM\, Azmari\, Asa\n4.5 points: The Outfit\, Earth Stati on\n4 points: SSO\, RP\, Palana\, AgInfusion\, SportsMetal\n3.5 points: Bl ue Sun\, GameNET\, MirrorMorph\n3 points: Builder of Nations\, PE\, Biotec h\n2.5 points: SYNC\, Saraswati\n2 points: Jemison\, Acme\n1.5 points: Haa rpsichord\, Tennin\, Chronos Protocol\n1 point: BABW\, Spark\, Architects of Tomorrow\n0.5 point: Making News\, Harmony Medtech\, Cybernetics Divisi on\n0 points: New Angeles Sol\, Harishchandra\, Nisei Division\, Hyoubu In stitute\, Stronger Together\, Seidr Labs


Runner Tiers:


6 p oints (banned): Geist\n5 points: 419\, Hayley\, Hoshiko\n4.5 points: Val\n 4 points: Leela\, Freedom\n3.5 points: Maxx\, Wu\, Smoke\, Sunny\n3 points : Alice\, Omar\, Ken Tenma\, Kit\, Adam\n2.5 points: Eddie Kim\, Chaos The ory\, Lat\n2 points: Reina\, Az\, Los\n1.5 points: Gnat\, Null\, Gabe\n1 p oint: Quetzal\, Akiko\n0.5 point: Khan\, Jesminder\, Apex\n0 points: Iain\ , Fisk\, Nero\, Silhouette


Locked down (banned) cards:


All currents\nHB: Team Sponsorship\nJinteki: Kakugo\nNBN: Hard Hitting News\n Weyland: Border Control\nAnarch: Stargate\nCriminal: Boomerang\nShaper: Re zeki\nMinis: Apocalypse


The tournament will have 60 minutes per ro und and run via the Nisei Online Events Discord and Cobra. Please familiar ise yourself with both in advance if you've not already. All times given a re UK times (UTC +1). Any questions please ask in advance.


number of rounds will depend on players but capped at 4 with no cut