BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2780alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20200525T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20200525T235900 URL: day-cube SUMMARY:Austin City Grid - Memorial Day Cube CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nWe're at it again.\nWhat is cube?\n\nA "\;cube"\; is simply a set of cards that have been curated to create a fun drafting expe rience. The cube we'll be using is here and here.\nA "\;cube draft&quo t\; is an event in which players pass around random "\;packs"\; of 15 cards from the cube\, taking one card each\, and passing around new pa cks when those packs run out\, until everyone has drafted 60 cards. Once t he drafting is complete\, each player can add cards from their "\;star ter set"\; to what they drafted in order to come up with a Runner deck and a Corp deck\, both of which are 40 cards minimum\, regardless of the limit of any ID you may have drafted.\nEach deck has unlimited influence\, and agenda faction is ignored. (Reminder - 40-44 Corp cards: 18-19 agenda points)\nThe "\;starter set"\; is: 1x Jackson Howard\, and an unl imited number of Priority Requisitions.\n\n\nHow do I cube in this event?\ n\nRegister for this event\nBe in the Austin City Grid Discord sometime be tween when registration starts and the tournament starts.\nIf there are mo re than 8 players\, we will draft in pods\, which just means that even gro ups will be formed\, and those groups will both draft concurrently from a separate instance of the cube. However\, the pods will not be paired separ ately for their matches.\nThe draft itself will take place in meteor.stimh\, in two sessions - one for Runner\, then one for Corp. You will n eed a Meteor account\, but you can sign in with a gmail account. Our goal is to have both sides drafted within two hours.\nWhen your pod is finished \, hop back in general voice\, paste/construct your deck in\, and prepare for three Swiss rounds\, playing the decks you just built!\nPa irings will be managed through Player on the left side of the pai ring will Corp first and host the game in the competitive lobby.\n\nOk\, b ut how do I WIN this event?\nNo one knows for sure. Doing the following wi ll help:\n\nTake econ so you don't have to click for credits all game.\nDr aft agendas so you don't have to play 6 Priority Requisitions. Have you re ad that card? Yeesh.\nIce with "\;end the run"\; subroutines are p retty good for scoring agendas\, try to pick some up.\nTake icebreakers so that you can break those "\;end the run"\; subroutines.\nIf you s ee a lot of cards that go in the same kind of deck\, maybe you should be b uilding that deck! (example: asset spam\, tagme)\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



We're at it again.


What is cube?


How do I cube in this event?


Ok\, but how do I WIN this event?


No one knows for sure. Doing the following will help: