BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2775alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20200530 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20200531 URL: SUMMARY:Lockdown #5 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:(previously Iberian) Lockdown #5: Not A Mambo\nPLEASE READ THE FULL DESCRIPTION TO SAVE YOURSELF (and the TO) HEADACHES IN THE NEAR FUTUR E \;-)\nWelcome to the electrostatically refreshed and growing like a clon e in a Jinteki vat edition of quite a few people's favourite take on a cus tom meta\, happening online!\nAnyone and everyone is welcome to sign up\, as long as you can participate in both the Swiss rounds and the Top Cut ga mes.\nREGISTER USING THIS FORM - IT WILL CLOSE APPROXIMATELY 13 HOURS BEFO RE THE EVENT STARTS\nDropping out for whatever reason is allowed but will make us all sad. You have been warned.\nTechnical requirements\n\na stable internet connection\naccess to\naccess to Discord - discordap (voice communications optional but encouraged) - tournament channel is here\n\n\nEvent structure:\n\nPlayer meeting on Discord.\n4 Swiss round s of 65 minutes maximum each. Breaks of 5-10 minutes between each round\, as required.\n45 minute break before Top Cut.\nTop 4 Cut - double eliminat ion (40 minute per game).\nFinalist stream chat.\n\nID choice &\; deckb uilding restrictions - Diversified Portfolio+\nDiversified Portfolio is a format that seeks to give some lesser popular Corps and unsung Runner hero es of the game a chance to shine\, while still allowing players a lot of c hoice to pick decks which fit their play style. You get to play with and a gainst IDs you have rarely or even never before seen at a tournament\, lea ding to totally new experiences.\nThe + (plus) variant introduces banned c ards\, as chosen by the top X (in this case 4) players from the last editi on of the tournament\n\nEach legal Runner and Corp ID has a score attribut ed to it\, going from 0 up to 10. The scores are calculated from the ratin gs provided by the Top 4 players of the previous edition or decided by the Tournament Organizer.\n\nPlayers are allowed to freely pick any Runner an d Corp ID to participate with\, as long as the sum of their scores (their "\;ID score"\;) is 10 or less.\n\nAs an extra incentive to pick le ss powerful/popular IDs and diversify the field\, the "\;ID score" \; is considered the primary tie breaker for Swiss ranking in this format. For example\, if two players both are at 12 tournament points after round four of Swiss\, the player with an "\;ID score"\; of 4 would be h igher ranked than the player with a score of 9. In case of a tie\, Streng th of Schedule and extended SoS will still determine ranking as per usual. \nOutside of these rules\, the game plays identically to Standard format. Rotation and the latest Most Wanted List are in effect (in this case MWL 3 .4b).\n\nStreaming\nThere will be streaming happening\, so if you are NOT OK with being on stream with your game(s)\, the organizer will ask you abo ut your preference. All requests to not be streamed will be honoured. All requests to be streamed will be considered.\nIf you want to stream the eve nt\, please coordinate with the TO to avoid crossing the streams (they say it's dangerous). Also\, consider getting a free listing in the community directory.\nBANNED CORP CARDS\n\n\nALL CURRENTS\n\n\nKakugo\n\n\nMass Comm ercialization\n\n\nObokata Protocol\n\n\nRashida Jaheem\n\n\nSlot Machine\ n\n\nSurveyor\n\n\nSSL Endorsement\n\n\nTeam Sponsorship\n\n\nCorp ID cost \n10 points\n\nAzmari EdTech: Shaping the Future\nNBN: Controlling the Mes sage\n\n9 points\n\nArgus Security: Protection Guaranteed\nAsa Group: Secu rity Through Vigilance\nThe Outfit: Family Owned and Operated\nTitan Trans national: Investing In Your Future\n\n8 points\n\nBlue Sun: Powering the F uture\nGagarin Deep Space: Expanding the Horizon\nSportsmetal: Go Big or G o Home\n\n7 points\n\nAgInfusion: New Miracles for a New World\nEarth Stat ion: SEA Headquarters\nJinteki: Replicating Perfection\nSSO Industries: Fu eling Innovation\n\n6 points\n\nGameNET: Where Dreams are Real\nJinteki: P ersonal Evolution\nMirrorMorph: Endless Iteration\nPālanā Foods: Sustain able Growth\n\n5 points\n\nAcme Consulting: The Truth You Need\nSaraswati Mnemonics: Endless Exploration\nSYNC: Everything\, Everywhere\nTennin Inst itute: The Secrets Within\n\n4 points\n\nHaas-Bioroid: Architects of Tomor row\nSpark Agency: Worldswide Reach\nWeyland Consortium: Builder of Nation s\nWeyland Consortium: Building a Better World\n\n3 points\n\nChronos Prot ocol: Selective Mind-mapping\nJemison Astronautics: Sacrifice. Audacity. S uccess.\nJinteki Biotech: Life Imagined\nNBN: Making News\n\n2 points\n\nH aarpsichord Studios: Entertainment Unleashed\nSeidr Laboratories: Destiny Defined\n\n1 points\n\nCybernetics Division: Humanity Upgraded\nHaas-Bioro id: Stronger Together\nHarmony Medtech: Biomedical Pioneer\n\n0 points\n\n Harishchandra Ent.: Where You're the Star\nHyoubu Institute: Absolute Clar ity\nNew Angeles Sol: Your News (a reminder that currents are banned for t his event)\nNisei Division: The Next Generation\n\nBANNED RUNNER CARDS\n\n \nRebirth\n\n\nALL CURRENTS\n\n\nApocalypse\n\n\nAumakua (double pick)\n\n Boomerang\n\n\nDiversion of Funds\n\n\nI've Had Worse\n\n\nPAD Tap\n\n\nTh e Turning Wheel\n\n\nRunner ID cost\n10 points\n\n419: Amoral Scammer\nHay ley Kaplan: Universal Scholar\nHoshiko Shiro: Untold Protagonist\n\n9 poin ts\n\nArmand "\;Geist"\; Walker: Tech Lord\nValencia Estevez: The Angel of Cayambe\n\n8 points\n\nKabonesa Wu: Netspace Thrillseeker\nLeela Patel: Trained Pragmatist\n\n7 points\n\nFreedom Khumalo: Crypto-Anarchist \n\n6 points\n\nAdam: Compulsive Hacker\nAlice Merchant: Clan Agitator\nEd ward Kim: Humanity's Hammer\nEle "\;Smoke"\; Scovak: Cynosure of t he Net\nRielle "\;Kit"\; Peddler: Transhuman\n\n5 points\n\nAz McC affrey: Mechanical Prodigy\nKen "\;Express"\; Tenma: Disappeared C lone\nLat: Ethical Freelancer\nMaxX: Maximum Punk Rock\nOmar Keung: Conspi racy Theorist\nReina Roja: Freedom Fighter\nSunny Lebeau: Security Special ist\n\n4 points\n\nGabriel Santiago: Consummate Professional\nNull: Whistl eblower\nQuetzal: Free Spirit\n\n3 points\n\nAkiko Nisei: Head Case\nJesmi nder Sareen: Girl Behind the Curtain\nLos: Data Hijacker\nNathaniel "\ ;Gnat"\; Hall: One-of-a-Kind\nSilhouette: Stealth Operative\n\n2 point s\n\nIain Stirling: Retired Spook\nKhan: Savvy Skiptracer\nNero Severn: In formation Broker\n\n1 points\n\nApex: Invasive Predator\nChaos Theory: Wü nderkind\nLaramy Fisk: Savvy Investor\n\n0 points\nQuestion: Does the ID p oint limit count for using DJ Fenris ?\nAnswer: YES IT DOES - YOU CAN'T da nce to DJ FENRIS with another RUNNER that has an illegal/excessive ID cost .\nRunner ID + Corp ID + Runner ID hosted on DJ Fenris have to have an ID cost equal to or lower than 10\nGet ready for some spicy spoilers about th e future of this format!\n*...#lockdown on stimslack for that good ol' com munity feel!\n\n...the Lockdown Council\, a volunteer group for mentoring and consultation\, formed by Top 4 players from all previous editions (and continuously expanded with new Top 4 players)!\n...a shiny format logo co ming your way!\ extended and coordinated ban list for both sides (up to 12 banned cards on each side)!\n*...a popular vote for a single card t o be banned (for all participants to vote on)!\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
\nWelcome to the electrostatical ly refreshed and growing like a clone in a Jinteki vat edition of quite a few people's favourite take on a custom meta\, happening online!
strong>Anyone and everyone is welcome to sign up\, as long as you can participate in both the Swiss rounds and the Top Cut games.<
Dropping out for whatever reason is allowed but will make us all
sad. You have been warned. Diversified
Portfolio is a format that seeks to give some lesser popular Corps and un
sung Runner heroes of the game a chance to shine\, while still allowing pl
ayers a lot of choice to pick decks which fit their play style. You get to
play with and against IDs you have rarely or even never before seen at a
tournament\, leading to totally new experiences. The + (plus) vari
ant introduces banned cards\, as chosen by the top X (in
this case 4) players from the last edition of the tournament There will be streaming happening\, so if you are NOT OK with being on stream with your game(s)\, the organizer will ask you
about your preference. All requests to not be streamed will be honoured.
All requests to be streamed will be considered. If you want to str
eam the event\, please coordinate with the TO to avoid crossing the stream
s (they say it's dangerous). Also\, consider getting a free listing in the community directory
. Question: Does the ID point limit count for using DJ Fen
ris ?\nAnswer: YES IT DOES - YOU CAN'T dance to DJ FENRIS with another RUN
NER that has an illegal/excessive ID cost.\nRunner ID + Corp ID +
Runner ID hosted on DJ Fenris have to have an ID cost equal to or lower th
an 10 Get ready for some spicy spoilers about the future
of this format! *...#lockdown on stimslack for that good ol' commu
\nTechnical requirements
\nEvent structure:
\nID choice &
\; deckbuilding restrictions - Diversified Portfolio+
\nCorp ID cost
\n10 points
\n9 points
\n8 points
\n7 points
\n6 points
\n5 points
\n4 points
\n3 points
\n2 points
\n1 points
\n0 points
h2>Runner ID cost\n10 points
\n9 points
\n8 points
\n7 points\n
\n6 points<
\n5 points
\n4 points
\n3 points
2 points
1 points
0 points