BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2767alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Detroit:20200516T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Detroit:20200516T235900 URL: -store-championship SUMMARY:Michigan 2020 NISEI Online Store Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Welcome to the Michigan's online NISEI Netrunner Store Champion ship.\nEntry Fee: $10 (pay via PayPal/Venmo: tvaduva)\n8 Person minimum (m ay be rescheduled if less than 8 are available at the time)\nAll games wil l be played on We'll use the NISEI OP Discord server for voic e chat: Start in the "\;#mi-sto re-championship"\; Discord text channel available now (https://discord .gg/8mjaSag)\, then we'll post further instructions during the registratio n period.\nI'll also use for round pairing and cut ( .\nAnyone anywhere in the world is welcome to come and play\, but there ma y shipping cost for shipping prizes non-locally (see below). Final registr ation will start at 10:00 AM ET until 10:25 AM ET\; anyone can register an d pay before the Saturday\, May 16th. The first round will start at 10:30 AM ET.\nThis is a Casual Tier event. Tournaments at this tier are welcomin g to all players\, regardless of experience level. The focus is on creatin g a fun and friendly environment.\nThis is a Standard Event (using System Core 2019\, latest rotation\, and MWL 3.4b).\nWe'll adhere to the most rec ent NISEI Organized Play Policies. The number of players determine the num ber of rounds and the top cut according to the rules. It's expected to be 4 rounds with a cut to top 4. If we get less than 16 players\, I'll check with players if they still want a top cut.\n(Extra copies will be given in order of final placement. Cards can be sent via mail in U.S. at no charge or dropped off or picked up contactlessly in Ann Arbor\, MI. Playmats may be dropped off or picked up contactlessly in Ann Arbor\, MI or shipped at receiver's cost.)\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Welcome to the Michigan's online NISEI Netr unner Store Championship.
\nEntry Fee: $10 (pay via PayPal/Venmo: tv aduva)\n8 Person minimum (may be rescheduled if less than 8 are available at the time)
\nAll games will be played on We'll use th e NISEI OP Discord server for voice chat: SPrT9. Start in the "\;#mi-store-championship"\; Discord text chan nel available now (\, then we'll post further i nstructions during the registration period.
\nI'll also use for round pairing and cut (
\nAnyone anywhere in the world is welcome to come and play\, but there may shipping cost for shippi ng prizes non-locally (see below). Final registration will start at 10:00 AM ET until 10:25 AM ET\; anyone can register and pay before the Saturday\ , May 16th. The first round will start at 10:30 AM ET.
\nThis is a C asual Tier event. Tournaments at this tier are welcoming to all players\, regardless of experience level. The focus is on creating a fun and friendl y environment.
\nThis is a Standard Event (using System Core 2019\, latest rotation\, and MWL 3.4b).
\nWe'll adhere to the most recent N ISEI Organized Play Policies. The number of players determine the number o f rounds and the top cut according to the rules. It's expected to be 4 rou nds with a cut to top 4. If we get less than 16 players\, I'll check with players if they still want a top cut.
\n(Extra copies will be given in order of final placement. Cards can be sent via mail in U.S. at no char ge or dropped off or picked up contactlessly in Ann Arbor\, MI. Playmats m ay be dropped off or picked up contactlessly in Ann Arbor\, MI or shipped at receiver's cost.)