BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2766alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20200516 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20200517 URL: ionship SUMMARY:Antwerp ONLINE Store Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nGreetings\, Netrunner fans!\nGet ready for the ANTWERP STORE CHAMPIONSHIP! In these times or Corona\, lockdown and quarantine\, we will be hosting this event online over and Discord. There will be five rounds of swiss (with a lunchbreak after the second round) and we wil l cut to a Top 4. Your prizes will be mailed to an address of your choice . Everyone is required to be online by 10:45 CET so we can start at 11:00 CET sharp. This event will also be streamed by the lovely and charming Ves per over at\nBelow\, you can find the registration f orm and after that we will break down the different facets of this format for those who may not be familiar. See you there!\nREGISTER HERE!\n\nFORMA T\nDecks must be compliant with Standard Format and the current MWL (3.4b) \, you can find more information on that over at orted-formats\nYou may not change your decks between rounds.\nRounds will be 70 minutes.\nAPPROXIMATE TIMETABLE\n(all times in CET)\n10:00 - Sign on at your leisure\n10:45 - Introduction / announcements / pairings\n11:00 - Start Round 1\n12:15 - Start Round 2\n13:25 - Lunch Break\n14:00 - Start Round 3\n15:15 - Start Round 4\n16:30 - Start Round 5\n17:45 - Results of swiss / tournament wrap-up\n18:00 - Start Top 4 (this could be a bit later if the top 4 players want a longer break to get some food)\n\nDISCORD / J INTEKI.NET / COBR.AI\nTo participate in this event you will need Discord\, a free online voice communication application. You do not need a micropho ne\, but you do need it to listen to announcements\, do table pairings and follow round timers.\nYou can use Discord within your browser but I would recommend downloading the app as it's far more reliable. You can download Discord over at\nFor this event we will be using the official NISEI Tournament Discord server. The current server address is h ttps:// but it changes periodically. You will receive an e-mail on the morning of the event with the Discord link is on Saturday.\n We will be using #antwerp-store-championship as the text channel for this event. Make sure to select it so you can see round timers and announcement s. The voice channels we will be using can be found under EVENT 1. Make su re to join THE LOBBY before the tournament and in between rounds for annou ncements. Please make sure your microphone is muted in THE LOBBY so everyo ne can hear announcements clearly. Underneath that you can see a list of t able numbers. When the pairings for a round are posted\, please join the c orresponding table. Again\, voice communications are not necessary but joi n the table anyway so we can at a glance see that no one is missing and we can start the round timer.\nYou will be able to find your pairings each r ound on\, this link will also be e-mailed to you the morning of th e tournament and will be pinned at the top of the #antwerp-store-champions hip channel.\nGames will played in the Competitive tab of\, th e player on the left side of the pairing creates the game in the format &q uot\;[ANTWSC] - Table #"\;\, this is also the same player who reports the score by sending a private message to me on Discord (@Cluster Fox).\n\ nSTREAM\nVesper's streamshake is bringing all the folks to the cyberyard. So our gratitude to him and you can find more quality Netrunner content ov er at:\\n\nPRIZES\nParticipation: alternate art House of Knives (up to 48)\nTop 8: playset of alternate art Project Beale\nTop 4: Tollbooth playmat\nWinner: Regionals bye\nPrizes will be mailed to the address entered on the registration form shortly following the tournament. \n\nREGISTRATION &\; ENTRY FEE\nHere again is the registration link:\nh ttps://\nEntry for this event is 12\,00 euros t o cover kit and shipping costs. Your registration is not valid unless I ha ve received your entry fee.\nPayment options:\nPayPal: thomas.vdcruysse@gm\nBank transfer: IBAN BE75 3771 0058 0751\n\nALWAYS BE RUNNING\nTO/ Judge: Cluster Fox (Thomas Van der Cruysse)\nMarshall: TBA\nCatch you on t he Flip Switch and see you all on the 16th!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Greetings\, Netrunner fans!
\nGet read y for the ANTWERP STORE CHAMPIONSHIP! In these times or Corona\, lockdown and quarantine\, we will be hosting this event online over and Discord. There will be five rounds of swiss (with a lunchbreak after the second round) and we will cut to a Top 4. Your prizes will be mailed to an address of your choice. Everyone is required to be online by 10:45 CET s o we can start at 11:00 CET sharp. This event will also be streamed by the lovely and charming Vesper over at\nBelow\, you can find the registration form and after that we will break down the differen t facets of this format for those who may not be familiar. See you there!< /p>\n
\nDecks must be compliant with Standard Form at and the current MWL (3.4b)\, you can find more information on that over at\nYou may not change your decks between rounds.\nRounds will be 70 minutes.
\n10:00 - Sign on at your leisure\n10:45 - Intro duction / announcements / pairings\n11:00 - Start Round 1\n12:15 - Start R ound 2\n13:25 - Lunch Break\n14:00 - Start Round 3\n15:15 - Start Round 4\ n16:30 - Start Round 5\n17:45 - Results of swiss / tournament wrap-up\n18: 00 - Start Top 4 (this could be a bit later if the top 4 players want a lo nger break to get some food)
\nTo participate in this event you will need Discord\, a free onl ine voice communication application. You do not need a microphone\, but yo u do need it to listen to announcements\, do table pairings and follow rou nd timers.
\nYou can use Discord within your browser but I would rec ommend downloading the app as it's far more reliable. You can download Dis cord over at
\nFor this event we will be using the official NISEI Tournament Discord server. The current server address i s but it changes periodically. You will receive an e-mail on the morning of the event with the Discord link is on Saturday .
\nWe will be using #antwerp-store-championship as the text channel for this event. Make sure to select it so you can see round timers and an nouncements. The voice channels we will be using can be found under EVENT 1. Make sure to join THE LOBBY before the tournament and in between rounds for announcements. Please make sure your microphone is muted in THE LOBBY so everyone can hear announcements clearly. Underneath that you can see a list of table numbers. When the pairings for a round are posted\, please join the corresponding table. Again\, voice communications are not necessa ry but join the table anyway so we can at a glance see that no one is miss ing and we can start the round timer.
\nYou will be able to find you r pairings each round on\, this link will also be e-mailed to you the morning of the tournament and will be pinned at the top of the #antwer p-store-championship channel.
\nGames will played in the Competitive tab of\, the player on the left side of the pairing creates t he game in the format "\;[ANTWSC] - Table #"\;\, this is also the same player who reports the score by sending a private message to me on Di scord (@Cluster Fox).
\nVesper's streamshake is bringing all the folks to the cyberyard. So our gratitude to him and yo u can find more quality Netrunner content over at:\ p>\n
\nParticipation: alternate art House of Knives (up to 48)\nTop 8: playset of alternate art Project Beale\nTop 4: Tollboo th playmat\nWinner: Regionals bye
\nPrizes will be mailed to the add ress entered on the registration form shortly following the tournament.
\nHere again is the regi stration link:\n
\nEntry for this event is 12\,00 euros to cover kit and shipping costs. Your registration is not valid unless I have received your entry fee.
\nPayment option s:\nPayPal:\nBank transfer: IBAN BE75 3771 0058 0751
\nTO/Judge: Cluster Fox (Tho mas Van der Cruysse)\nMarshall: TBA
\nCatch you on the Flip Switch a nd see you all on the 16th!