BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2749alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20200424 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20200426 URL: SUMMARY:Aldershot GNK CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:@guy we are meeting in the online gnk discord channel and event will be played in the first lobby\nThe Aldershot SC is being delayed. The re are still plans to hold it at the store when it is safe to do so. I've spoken to the store and they are aware they are happy to run the event at a later date. The staff had the below message to pass on.\nJust to stay sa fe and well\, we are open for mail orders and that we will reschedule the event as soon as we can.\nSo since I want to play more netrunner i'm going to run an event on the 25th when we would be holding the SC. I'm not goin g to charge anyone for playing\, but if you want to donate to Doctors with out borders and send a screenshot of your donation i'll make a note and pu t prizes aside for you. If no one has heard/read about what he is doing i' ve pasted the link below. I've got a few nice sure gamble's from BCOM to g ive out along with some other prizes.\nhttps://www.doctorswithoutborders.o rg/\n\n\nhttps :// - to help our international friends with the time.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

@guy we are meeting in the online gnk disco rd channel and event will be played in the first lobby


The Aldersh ot SC is being delayed. There are still plans to hold it at the store when it is safe to do so. I've spoken to the store and they are aware they are happy to run the event at a later date. The staff had the below message t o pass on.


Just to stay safe and well\, we are open for mail order s and that we will reschedule the event as soon as we can.


So sinc e I want to play more netrunner i'm going to run an event on the 25th when we would be holding the SC. I'm not going to charge anyone for playing\, but if you want to donate to Doctors without borders and send a screenshot of your donation i'll make a note and put prizes aside for you. If no one has heard/read about what he is doing i've pasted the link below. I've go t a few nice sure gamble's from BCOM to give out along with some other pri zes.



https://forms. gle/TAczJmskhKRo5Xrq8



https://ti - to help our international frien ds with the time.