BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2740alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20200623 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20200701 URL: 2020 LOCATION:General-Guisan-Quai 40\, 8022 Zürich\, Switzerland SUMMARY:Switzerland ONLINE-LEAGUE 2020 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:RESULTS:\n1Qris46\n2Chiphead40445\nb3ar45\n4Nembras42\n5Oggbona ian39\n6met436\nqvm36\n8ArminFirecracker33\n9Johnny B. Running31\n10Voo30\ n11Chillsection27\n12Kenan Sahrmal25\n13Luke Nukem24\nTHERE IS NO PHYSICAL LOCATION FOR THIS ONLINE-EVENT\nI like to invite YOU to the ANDROID NETRU NNER SWISS GRID LEAGUE 2020.\nThe league should be a chance to meet other players regularly for having a good time online and is the perfect prepara tion for the upcoming Cy-Bern-etics - Swiss Online Store Championship Drag on's Lair 2020 on May 17th (link below).\nWho:\n\nAll Netrunner/Nisei play ers located in Switzerland are welcome\, as are our friends from the “Re gional Meta”.\nNewbies and veterans.\n\nWhere and when:\n\nSign-up on th e following excel file with adding your name in row A: Link\n\nIf the sign -up sheet is full\, please send me a note - I will expand it.\nMeet the ot her players on the Netrunner Switzerland Discord server: Link\n\nThe Züri ch City Grid is regularly online on Tuesday evening\, but you may find pla yers also at other times.\nYou can also use the #Switzerland Channel on st to find dates with other players.\nPlay the games on Jint eki Link.\nYou can schedule your games whenever you want\, even play multi ple games per week. Tuesday evening is the focused time frame.\nThe league does start “right” now\nThe league will end when all games are comple te\, the latest on June 30th.\n\nLeague Games:\n\nPlay a corp and a runner game against every other player.\nIt's not mandatory to play all games.\n You can find your opponents in the excel file (see above).\nAdd your resul ts in the excel file.\nAdd your played IDs in the excel file.\nNo time lim its.\n\nPoints:\nYou are encouraged to play every game with another ID to get extra points. But you’re not forced to.\n\n3 points for every win\n0 point for every loss\n1 point for every unplayed game\n1 point for every different ID you played\, even if you lost.\n\nRules:\n\nMWL 3.4b Link\n\n There are no official judges\nAsk other players if you are unsure about si tuations\nThis is a fun and friendly event\n\nPrizes:\nThe prize pool will increase\, depending on the number of players. I will start with these pr ices in the prize pool. Every player will get at least two cards\, one of which will be a Kakugo.\n\nsets of acrylic Jinteki Click counters\nalterna te art card for “NBN: Controlling the Message”\nalternate art card for “Kakugo”\nvarious alternate art cards\, donated by met4\n\nParticipat ion fee:\n\n5 CHF / Euro\nPayPal\, Twint or Postfinance (ask for the detai l\, if needed).\n\nDon’t hesitate to ask if you need additional informat ion.\nChiphead404\nABR: Link\nExcel file: Link\nNRDB: Link\nJINTEKI: Link\ nDiscord server: Link\ Link: #Switzerland\nCy-Bern-etic s - Swiss Online Championship Dragon's Lair 2020\nLink\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
RESULTS:\n1Qris46\n2Chiphead40445\nb3ar45\n 4Nembras42\n5Oggbonaian39\n6met436\nqvm36\n8ArminFirecracker33\n9Johnny B. Running31\n10Voo30\n11Chillsection27\n12Kenan Sahrmal25\n13Luke Nukem24 p>\n
\nI like to invite YOU to the ANDROID NETRUNNER SWISS GRID LEAGUE 2020.
\nThe league should be a chance to meet other players regularly for having a go od time online and is the perfect preparation for the upcoming Cy-Bern -etics - Swiss Online Store Championship Dragon's Lair 2020 on May 17 th (link below).
\nWhere and when:
\nLeague Games:
\nPoints:\nYou are encouraged to play every game with another ID t o get extra points. But you’re not forced to.
\nPrizes:\nThe pr ize pool will increase\, depending on the number of players. I will start with these prices in the prize pool. Every player will get at least two ca rds\, one of which will be a Kakugo.
\nParticipation fee:< /p>\n
Don’t hesitate to ask if you need additional information.
\nABR: Link\nExcel file: Link\nNRDB: Link\nJINTEKI: Link a>\nDiscord server: Link\nstimh Link: #Switzerland