BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2738alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20200420T183000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20200420T235900 URL: event SUMMARY:Mancunian Lockdown - Online event CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Taking inspiration from the Iberian Lockdown events (which you can read about here and here)\, this event will have both Diversified Port folio rules\, plus certain cards will be "\;locked down"\; (banned ).\nWhat are Diversified Portfolio rules? To encourage ID diversity\, all IDs are assigned a points value\, and then you are given a limited budget (5) to spend on 'buying' your two IDs. Further\, to encourage more creativ ity\, where people are level in Swiss\, the first tiebreaker will be fewes t ID points spent\, before SoS and ESoS as normal.\nThe corp tiers are:\n6 points (banned): Titan\n5 points: Gagarin\, Argus\, CtM\, Azmari\, Asa\n4 .5 points: The Outfit\, Earth Station\n4 points: SSO\, RP\, Palana\, AgInf usion\, SportsMetal\n3.5 points: Blue Sun\, GameNET\, MirrorMorph\n3 point s: Builder of Nations\, PE\, Biotech\n2.5 points: SYNC\, Saraswati\n2 poin ts: Jemison\, Acme\n1.5 points: Haarpsichord\, Tennin\, Chronos Protocol\n 1 point: BABW\, Spark\, Architects of Tomorrow\n0.5 point: Making News\, H armony Medtech\, Cybernetics Division\n0 points: New Angeles Sol\, Harishc handra\, Nisei Division\, Hyoubu Institute\, Stronger Together\, Seidr Lab s\nRunner Tiers:\n6 points (banned): Geist\n5 points: 419\, Hayley\, Hoshi ko\n4.5 points: Val\n4 points: Leela\, Freedom\n3.5 points: Maxx\, Wu\, Sm oke\, Sunny\n3 points: Alice\, Omar\, Ken Tenma\, Kit\, Adam\n2.5 points: Eddie Kim\, Chaos Theory\, Lat\n2 points: Reina\, Az\, Los\n1.5 points: Gn at\, Null\, Gabe\n1 point: Quetzal\, Akiko\n0.5 point: Khan\, Jesminder\, Apex\n0 points: Iain\, Fisk\, Nero\, Silhouette\nLocked down (banned) card s:\nAll currents\nHB: Team Sponsorship\nJinteki: Kakugo\nNBN: Hard Hitting News\nWeyland: Cayambe Grid\nAnarch: Stargate\nCriminal: Boomerang\nShape r: Rezeki\nMinis: Apocalypse\nThe tournament will be 3 rounds of Swiss\, 6 5 minutes rounds\, and run via the Nisei Online Events Discord and Cobra. Please familiarise yourself with both in advance if you've not already. Al l times given are UK times (UTC +1). Any questions please ask in advance.\ n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Taking inspiration from the Iberian Lockdow n events (which you can read about here and here)\, this event will have both Diversified Portfolio rule s\, plus certain cards will be "\;locked down"\; (banned).
\nWhat are Diversified Portfolio rules? To encourage ID diversity\, all IDs are assigned a points value\, and then you are given a limited budget (5) to spend on 'buying' your two IDs. Further\, to encourage more creativity \, where people are level in Swiss\, the first tiebreaker will be fewest I D points spent\, before SoS and ESoS as normal.
\nThe corp tiers are :
\n6 points (banned): Titan\n5 points: Gagarin\, Argus\, CtM\, Azma ri\, Asa\n4.5 points: The Outfit\, Earth Station\n4 points: SSO\, RP\, Pal ana\, AgInfusion\, SportsMetal\n3.5 points: Blue Sun\, GameNET\, MirrorMor ph\n3 points: Builder of Nations\, PE\, Biotech\n2.5 points: SYNC\, Sarasw ati\n2 points: Jemison\, Acme\n1.5 points: Haarpsichord\, Tennin\, Chronos Protocol\n1 point: BABW\, Spark\, Architects of Tomorrow\n0.5 point: Maki ng News\, Harmony Medtech\, Cybernetics Division\n0 points: New Angeles So l\, Harishchandra\, Nisei Division\, Hyoubu Institute\, Stronger Together\ , Seidr Labs
\nRunner Tiers:
\n6 points (banned): Geist\n5 poi nts: 419\, Hayley\, Hoshiko\n4.5 points: Val\n4 points: Leela\, Freedom\n3 .5 points: Maxx\, Wu\, Smoke\, Sunny\n3 points: Alice\, Omar\, Ken Tenma\, Kit\, Adam\n2.5 points: Eddie Kim\, Chaos Theory\, Lat\n2 points: Reina\, Az\, Los\n1.5 points: Gnat\, Null\, Gabe\n1 point: Quetzal\, Akiko\n0.5 p oint: Khan\, Jesminder\, Apex\n0 points: Iain\, Fisk\, Nero\, Silhouette p>\n
Locked down (banned) cards:
\nAll currents\nHB: Team Sponsors hip\nJinteki: Kakugo\nNBN: Hard Hitting News\nWeyland: Cayambe Grid\nAnarc h: Stargate\nCriminal: Boomerang\nShaper: Rezeki\nMinis: Apocalypse
\n< p>The tournament will be 3 rounds of Swiss\, 65 minutes rounds\, and run v ia the Nisei Online Events Discord< /a> and Cobra. Please familiarise yourself with both in advance if you've not already. All times given are UK times (UTC +1). Any questions please a sk in advance.\n DTSTAMP:20250305T042918Z BEGIN:VALARM TRIGGER:-PT120M ACTION:DISPLAY DESCRIPTION:Mancunian Lockdown - Online event END:VALARM END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR