BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2736alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Zurich:20200517T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Zurich:20200517T235900 URL: -sc-dragons-lair-2020 LOCATION:Rathausgasse 52\, 3011 Bern\, Switzerland SUMMARY:Cy-Bern-etics - Swiss Online SC Dragon's Lair 2020 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Cy-Bern-etics\nSwiss Online SC Dragon's Lair 2020\nAll Netrunne r players located in Switzerland are welcome\, as are our friends from the “Regional Meta” REGISTER HERE\nTimetable\nThere will be 4 rounds\, no cut\, with an optional Final at the end\, depending on standings. Format is Standard concerning NISEI Rules.\n\n\nRegistration until 9.00 Uhr\, Sun day 17th of May\nPlayer Meeting: 9.45 Uhr - 10.00 Uhr\nRound 1: 10.00 Uhr - 11.10 Uhr\nRound 2: 11.20 Uhr - 12.30 Uhr\nLunch break: 12.30 Uhr - 13.3 0 Uhr\nRound 3: 13.30 Uhr - 14.40 Uhr\nRound 4: 14.50 Uhr - 16.00 Uhr\nMee tup/Games: 16.10 Uhr - Open End\n\n\nThe Meet up at the the end is meant t o chat\, talk about the games and playing an online version of the game Co denames\, including Netrunner Vocabulary. And/ or if you feel like it\, a drawing game called „a fake Artist goes to New York“. Details will fol low.\nEntry fee\nPlease pay the fee of 15 CHF or Euros in advance via:\n\n Twint: 078 646 57 76\nBank Transfer: IBAN CH50 0900 0000 8727 5247 8\n\nTh e Store Championship Kit is not yet available\, but there may be additiona l Prize Support\nRequirements\n\nstable internet connection\n1 Corp and 1 Runner Standard deck\n\nImportant links and information\n\n-->\;Jinteki. net\n-->\;Swiss Disord Server\n-->\;Registration Form\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



Swiss Online SC Dr agon's Lair 2020


All Netrunner players located in Switzerland are welcome\, as are our friends from the “Regional Meta” REGISTER HERE




There will be 4 rounds\, no cut\, with an optional Final at the end\, depending on standings. Format is Standard concerning NISEI Rules.


The Meet up at the the end is meant to chat\, talk about the ga mes and playing an online version of the game Codenames\, including Netrun ner Vocabulary. And/ or if you feel like it\, a drawing game called „a f ake Artist goes to New York“. Details will follow.


Entry fee\n

Please pay the fee of 15 CHF or Euros in advance via:


The Store Championship Kit is not yet available\, bu t there may be additional Prize Support




Important links and information


- ->\;\n-->\;Swiss Disord Server\n-->\;Registration Form
