BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2727alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20200404 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20200405 URL: ne-event SUMMARY:Iberian Lockdown #2 - An Online Event CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:WE ARE BACK!\nThe government-mandated lockdown got extended to April 11th\, so HERE WE GO AGAIN :-)\nYou are invited rewatch/relive/rerea d more about the first one here\nPLEASE READ THE FULL DESCRIPTION TO SAVE YOURSELF (and the TO) HEADACHES IN THE NEAR FUTURE \;-)\nID choice &\; deckbuilding restrictions - Diversified Portfolio+\nDiversified Portfolio is a format that seeks to give some lesser popular Corps and unsung Runner heroes of the game a chance to shine\, while still allowing players a lot of choice to pick decks which fit their play style. You get to play with and against IDs you have rarely or even never before seen at a tournament\ , leading to totally new experiences.\nThe + (plus) variant introduces ban ned cards\, as chosen by the top X (in this case 4) players from the last edition of the tournament\n\nEach legal Runner and Corp ID has a score att ributed to it\, going from 0 up to 5.\nThe higher the score of an identity \, the more competitive and prevalent it is.\n\nPlayers are allowed to fre ely pick any Runner and Corp ID to participate with\, as long as the sum o f their scores (their "\;ID score"\;) is 5 or less.\n\nAs an extra incentive to pick less powerful/popular IDs and diversify the field\, the "\;ID score"\; is considered the primary tie breaker for Swiss ra nking in this format. For example\, if two players both are at 12 points a fter round four of Swiss\, the player with an "\;ID score"\; of 2 would be higher ranked than the player with a score of 5. With ties\, Stre ngth of Schedule and extended SoS will still determine ranking as per usua l.\nOutside of these rules\, the game plays identically to Standard format . Rotation and the latest Most Wanted List are in effect (in this case MWL 3.4b).\n\nCorp ID + cost\nTitan Transnational: Investing In Your Future5\ nNBN: Controlling the Message5\nGagarin Deep Space: Expanding the Horizon5 \nAzmari EdTech: Shaping the Future5\nAsa Group: Security Through Vigilanc e5\nArgus Security: Protection Guaranteed5\nThe Outfit: Family Owned and O perated4\nSportsmetal: Go Big or Go Home4\nPālanā Foods: Sustainable Gro wth4\nJinteki: Replicating Perfection4\nEarth Station: SEA Headquarters4\n AgInfusion: New Miracles for a New World4\nMirrorMorph: Endless Iteration3 .5\nGameNET: Where Dreams are Real3.5\nSSO Industries: Fueling Innovation3 \nJinteki: Personal Evolution3\nBlue Sun: Powering the Future3\nWeyland Co nsortium: Builder of Nations2.5\nSYNC: Everything\, Everywhere2\nSaraswati Mnemonics: Endless Exploration2\nJinteki Biotech: Life Imagined2\nJemison Astronautics: Sacrifice. Audacity. Success.2\nAcme Consulting: The Truth You Need2\nTennin Institute: The Secrets Within1.5\nWeyland Consortium: Bu ilding a Better World1\nSpark Agency: Worldswide Reach1\nNBN: Making News1 \nHaas-Bioroid: Architects of Tomorrow1\nNew Angeles Sol: Your News0.5\nHa rmony Medtech: Biomedical Pioneer0.5\nHaarpsichord Studios: Entertainment Unleashed0.5\nSeidr Laboratories: Destiny Defined0\nNisei Division: The Ne xt Generation0\nHyoubu Institute: Absolute Clarity0\nHarishchandra Ent.: W here You're the Star0\nHaas-Bioroid: Stronger Together0\nCybernetics Divis ion: Humanity Upgraded0\nChronos Protocol: Selective Mind-mapping0\nBANNED CORP CARDS\n Warfare\nhttps: // Sermon\n ard/11016Hard-Hitting News\n\nh ttps:// Sponsorship\nhttps://netrunnerdb. com/en/card/08103Wall To Wall\nRunner ID + cost\n419: Amoral Scammer5\nArm and "\;Geist"\; Walker: Tech Lord5\nHayley Kaplan: Universal Schol ar5\nValencia Estevez: The Angel of Cayambe4.5\nFreedom Khumalo: Crypto-An archist4\nHoshiko Shiro: Untold Protagonist4\nLeela Patel: Trained Pragmat ist4\nMaxX: Maximum Punk Rock4\nEle "\;Smoke"\; Scovak: Cynosure o f the Net3.5\nKabonesa Wu: Netspace Thrillseeker3.5\nAdam: Compulsive Hack er3\nAlice Merchant: Clan Agitator3\nOmar Keung: Conspiracy Theorist3\nRie lle "\;Kit"\; Peddler: Transhuman3\nChaos Theory: Wünderkind2.5\n Edward Kim: Humanity's Hammer2.5\nKen "\;Express"\; Tenma: Disappe ared Clone2.5\nLat: Ethical Freelancer2.5\nSunny Lebeau: Security Speciali st2.5\nAz McCaffrey: Mechanical Prodigy2\nLos: Data Hijacker2\nGabriel San tiago: Consummate Professional1.5\nNathaniel "\;Gnat"\; Hall: One- of-a-Kind1.5\nNull: Whistleblower1.5\nQuetzal: Free Spirit1.5\nReina Roja: Freedom Fighter1.5\nAkiko Nisei: Head Case1\nApex: Invasive Predator0.5\n Jesminder Sareen: Girl Behind the Curtain0.5\nIain Stirling: Retired Spook 0\nKhan: Savvy Skiptracer0\nLaramy Fisk: Savvy Investor0\nNero Severn: Inf ormation Broker0\nSilhouette: Stealth Operative0\nBANNED RUNNER CARDS\nhtt ps://\n ard/21044Corporate "\;Grant"\;\n 103DDoS\n Rights\nhttps://netrun\n i\n\n\nDoes the point limit c ount for using DJ Fenris? YES - YOU CAN'T DANCE TO DJ FENRIS WITH A RUNNER that has an illegal ID cost. Runner ID + Corp ID + Runner ID hosted on DJ Fenris have to have an ID cost equal or lower than 5\n\n\nTechnical requi rements\n\na stable internet connection\naccess to\naccess to Discord - (voice communications optional but encouraged)\n\ nFormat\n4 rounds of Swiss with a Top 4 Cut.\nParticipation\nWhile the eve nt is primarily meant for people from the Iberian Peninsula (it's been a w hile since we all played together\, eh?)\, anyone and everyone is welcome to sign up\, as long as you can participate in the Swiss rounds + Top Cut games. We will start at 15:00 CET (UTC+1).\nPlease pre-register up using t his form\nOnce you sign up\, you will be asked to confirm your participati on and your ID choices with a separate form\, at least a day before the ev ent (that's why the first form is collecting emails) - thank you for under standing\, this will make the whole event much smoother.\nDropping out for whatever reason is totally allowed but will make us all sad. You have bee n warned.\nNew participants may be added to the event on a last-minute bas is to even the field out and avoid byes at TO's discrection.\nStreaming\nT here will be streaming happening\, so if you are NOT OK with being on stre am with your game(s)\, the organizer will ask you about your preference. A ll requests to not be streamed will be honoured. All requests to be stream ed will be considered.\nIf you want to stream the event\, please coordinat e with the TO to avoid crossing the streams (they say it's dangerous).\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
\nThe government-mandate d lockdown got extended to April 11th\, so HERE WE GO AGAIN :-)
\nYou are invited rewatch/relive/reread more about the first one here
\nDiversified Portf olio is a format that seeks to give some lesser popular Corps and unsung R unner heroes of the game a chance to shine\, while still allowing players a lot of choice to pick decks which fit their play style. You get to play with and against IDs you have rarely or even never before seen at a tourna ment\, leading to totally new experiences.
\nThe + (plus) variant in troduces banned cards\, as chosen by the top X (in this c ase 4) players from the last edition of the tournament
\nTitan Transnational: Investing In Your Future5\nNBN: Controlling the Message5\n Gagarin Deep Space: Expanding the Horizon5\nAzmari EdTech: Shaping the Fut ure5\nAsa Group: Security Through Vigilance5\nArgus Security: Protection G uaranteed5\nThe Outfit: Family Owned and Operated4\nSportsmetal: Go Big or Go Home4\nPālanā Foods: Sustainable Growth4\nJinteki: Replicating Perfe ction4\nEarth Station: SEA Headquarters4\nAgInfusion: New Miracles for a N ew World4\nMirrorMorph: Endless Iteration3.5\nGameNET: Where Dreams are Re al3.5\nSSO Industries: Fueling Innovation3\nJinteki: Personal Evolution3\n Blue Sun: Powering the Future3\nWeyland Consortium: Builder of Nations2.5\ nSYNC: Everything\, Everywhere2\nSaraswati Mnemonics: Endless Exploration2 \nJinteki Biotech: Life Imagined2\nJemison Astronautics: Sacrifice. Audaci ty. Success.2\nAcme Consulting: The Truth You Need2\nTennin Institute: The Secrets Within1.5\nWeyland Consortium: Building a Better World1\nSpark Ag ency: Worldswide Reach1\nNBN: Making News1\nHaas-Bioroid: Architects of To morrow1\nNew Angeles Sol: Your News0.5\nHarmony Medtech: Biomedical Pionee r0.5\nHaarpsichord Studios: Entertainment Unleashed0.5\nSeidr Laboratories : Destiny Defined0\nNisei Division: The Next Generation0\nHyoubu Institute : Absolute Clarity0\nHarishchandra Ent.: Where You're the Star0\nHaas-Bior oid: Stronger Together0\nCybernetics Division: Humanity Upgraded0\nChronos Protocol: Selective Mind-mapping0
\nhtt ps:// Warfare\n m/en/card/26106Flower Sermon\n tting News\n\nhttps://netrunner Sponsorship\n 3Wall To Wall
\n419: Amoral Scammer5\nArm and "\;Geist"\; Walker: Tech Lord5\nHayley Kaplan: Universal Schol ar5\nValencia Estevez: The Angel of Cayambe4.5\nFreedom Khumalo: Crypto-An archist4\nHoshiko Shiro: Untold Protagonist4\nLeela Patel: Trained Pragmat ist4\nMaxX: Maximum Punk Rock4\nEle "\;Smoke"\; Scovak: Cynosure o f the Net3.5\nKabonesa Wu: Netspace Thrillseeker3.5\nAdam: Compulsive Hack er3\nAlice Merchant: Clan Agitator3\nOmar Keung: Conspiracy Theorist3\nRie lle "\;Kit"\; Peddler: Transhuman3\nChaos Theory: Wünderkind2.5\n Edward Kim: Humanity's Hammer2.5\nKen "\;Express"\; Tenma: Disappe ared Clone2.5\nLat: Ethical Freelancer2.5\nSunny Lebeau: Security Speciali st2.5\nAz McCaffrey: Mechanical Prodigy2\nLos: Data Hijacker2\nGabriel San tiago: Consummate Professional1.5\nNathaniel "\;Gnat"\; Hall: One- of-a-Kind1.5\nNull: Whistleblower1.5\nQuetzal: Free Spirit1.5\nReina Roja: Freedom Fighter1.5\nAkiko Nisei: Head Case1\nApex: Invasive Predator0.5\n Jesminder Sareen: Girl Behind the Curtain0.5\nIain Stirling: Retired Spook 0\nKhan: Savvy Skiptracer0\nLaramy Fisk: Savvy Investor0\nNero Severn: Inf ormation Broker0\nSilhouette: Stealth Operative0
\n\nhttps://netr "\;Grant"\;\nhttps://netrunnerd\n Rights \n\n /card/26026Rezeki\n
\n4 rounds of Swiss with a Top 4 Cut.
\nWhile the event is prima rily meant for people from the Iberian Peninsula (it's been a while since we all played together\, eh?)\, anyone and everyone is we lcome to sign up\, as long as you can participate in the Swiss ro unds + Top Cut games. We will start at 15:00 CET (UTC+1).
\nPlease pre-register up using this form< /a>
\nOnce you sign up\, you will be asked to confirm your participa tion and your ID choices with a separate form\, at least a day before the event (that's why the first form is collecting emails) - thank you for und erstanding\, this will make the whole event much smoother.
\nDroppin g out for whatever reason is totally allowed but will make us all sad. You have been warned.
\nNew participants may be added to the event on a last-minute basis to even the field out and avoid byes at TO's discrectio n.
\nThere will be streaming happening\, so if y ou are NOT OK with being on stream with your game(s)\, th e organizer will ask you about your preference. All requests to not be str eamed will be honoured. All requests to be streamed will be considered.
\nIf you want to stream the event\, please coordinate with the TO to a void crossing the streams (they say it's dangerous).