BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2725alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20200328 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20200329 URL: al-jnet-tournament SUMMARY:Net Quarantine International Jnet Tournament CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:1.Tournament code on cobra for standings and pairings: http://c\n2.We will be playing six rounds of swiss with each round bein g 60 minutes. There will be a 30 minute break after the end of round 3. Th e cut will be top 8. It will be scheduled for another day or asynchronous based on an agreement between the participants after swiss.\n\n\nThe disc ord is required for at least the player meeting at 12pm GMT-4. Enter the l obby voicechat under event 1. The player meeting will end at 12:10 pm GMT- 4 and the first round will begin. Get voice updates from me\, get to hang with your opponent. You can join it here:\n\n\n All tables will be played in the competitive lobby of JNET. Please make th e name of your game the table number only. The person who appears on the l eft side of the cobra pairing is the “first” player\, they will make t he game and corp first.\n\n\nWe will be following the rules set by Nisei f or a casual event: \n\n\nAll match results must be reported using this form: e/U6inVSgDJVBA3U4T7\n\n\nIf you have a judge call please @codemarvelous in the judges table section of the discord or DM me on slack.\n\n\nSlack Cha nnel: -netquarantinetournament\n\n\nAlways Be Running Link: https://always t\n\n\nIf you need to drop please use this form: 4EE4E4zgU6\n\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

1.Tournament code on cobra for standings an d pairings:


2.We will be playing six rounds of swiss with each round being 60 minutes. There will be a 30 minute break a fter the end of round 3. The cut will be top 8. It will be scheduled for another day or asynchronous based on an agreement between the participants after swiss.

  1. \n

    The discord is required for at least the player meeting at 12pm GMT-4. Enter the lobby voicechat under event 1. The player meeting will end at 12:10 pm GMT-4 and the first roun d will begin. Get voice updates from me\, get to hang with your opponent. You can join it here:

  2. \n
  3. \n

    All tables will be played in the competitive lobby of JNET. Please make the na me of your game the table number only. The person who appears on the left side of the cobra pairing is the “first” player\, they will make the g ame and corp first.

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  5. \n

    We will be following the rules se t by Nisei for a casual event: cies_1.0.pdf

  6. \n
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    All match results must be reported using this form:

  8. \n
  9. \n

    If yo u have a judge call please @codemarvelous in the judges table section of t he discord or DM me on slack.

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  11. \n

    Slack Channel: -netquar antinetournament

  12. \n
  13. \n

    Always Be Running Link: https://alwa ent

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  15. \n

    If you need to drop please use this form: https:/ /

  16. \n