BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2724alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20200321T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20200321T235900 URL: nline-store-championship LOCATION:11 E 33rd St\, New York\, NY 10016\, USA SUMMARY:2020 Compleat Strategist Online Store Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Welcome to the first Android: Netrunner Store Championship of t he 2020 season\, hosted by the Compleat Strategist!\n*** DUE TO COVID-19\, THIS EVENT WILL BE HELD ENTIRELY ONLINE. The tournament games will be he ld on\, with round 1 beginning at 11:00am. Tournament coordin ation will be handled via the NISEI Tournament Discord server (free downlo ad / accessible via browser)\; all players MUST join the #online-store-cha mpionship-1 channel before 11am on the 21st.\nIn order to maintain the Sto re Championship atmosphere\, and for ease of payment/prize logistics\, thi s event will be limited to players along the Boston-Washington corridor (B osWash). Please contact me if you have any questions about registration.\ nSince the event is now online-only\, the price of entry has been reduced to $5 to cover the cost of the kit. Any entry fees over $80 will go towar ds the NYC prize fund.\nRegister here: s/d/10LpXBaKdWygE9LUgPjzafSia_EiIjqrJybEwx-_UP6k/edit\nDiscord Link: https ://\nThank you for being flexible and understanding\, an d see you on Discord! ***\nSaturday\, March 21\, 2020\n$5 entry\nRegistrat ion begins at 10:00am\nRound 1 will begin at 11:00am sharp!\n4-5 rounds\, with a cut to Top 4.\nThis event will use the NISEI Standard cardpool\, wh ich uses System Core 2019 in addition to the Most Wanted List (http://nise In addition\, proxies of any cards will be a llowed.\nAll NYC Netrunner events adhere to the NISEI Code of Conduct: htt ps://\nPRIZES:\nTop player will recieve a f irst-round bye to a 2019 Regionals of their choice\nTop 4 players will rec eive a Tollbooth playmat\nTop 8 players will receive 3x alt-art Project Be ale\nAll players will receive 3x alt-art House of Knives\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Welcome to the first Android: Netrunner Sto re Championship of the 2020 season\, hosted by the Compleat Strategist!


*** DUE TO COVID-19\, THIS EVENT WILL BE HELD ENTIRELY ONLINE. The tournament games will be held on\, with round 1 beginning at 1 1:00am. Tournament coordination will be handled via the NISEI Tournament Discord server (free download / accessible via browser)\; all players MUST join the #online-store-championship-1 channel before 11am on the 21st.


In order to maintain the Store Championship atmosphere\, and for eas e of payment/prize logistics\, this event will be limited to players along the Boston-Washington corridor (BosWash). Please contact me if you have any questions about registration.


Since the event is now online-on ly\, the price of entry has been reduced to $5 to cover the cost of the ki t. Any entry fees over $80 will go towards the NYC prize fund.


Re gister here: Sia_EiIjqrJybEwx-_UP6k/edit\nDiscord Link:

\ n

Thank you for being flexible and understanding\, and see you on Discor d! ***


Saturday\, March 21\, 2020\n$5 entry\nRegistration begins a t 10:00am\nRound 1 will begin at 11:00am sharp!\n4-5 rounds\, with a cut t o Top 4.


This event will use the NISEI Standard cardpool\, which u ses System Core 2019 in addition to the Most Wanted List ( /op/supported-formats). In addition\, proxies of any cards will be allowe d.


All NYC Netrunner events adhere to the NISEI Code of Conduct: h ttps://


PRIZES:\nTop player will re cieve a first-round bye to a 2019 Regionals of their choice\nTop 4 players will receive a Tollbooth playmat\nTop 8 players will receive 3x alt-art P roject Beale\nAll players will receive 3x alt-art House of Knives