BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2722alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20200321 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20200322 URL: de-inn SUMMARY:Online GNK @ The Neo Thameside Inn CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Hello lovely friends.\nDue to the the ongoing plague situation\ , the London Store Championship has been postponed\, and will likely run o nline at some point later in the year. But since we're all stuck indoors\, we're going to have an online GNK instead. Hooray!\nWe'll be coordinating via the #thamesidedeckclub channel in Stimhack Slack and the Neo Thamesid e Inn channel on Discord. If you're not in either of those\, feel free to drop me an email via the address above. Pairings will go up on\, a nd games will take place on\nWe'll do four rounds starting at 11.30\, no top cut - please be around and contactable by 11. That's UK ti me. We'll have a lunch break after round 2.\nI'm not going to charge an en try fee because this might be a total shambles\, but if you want to throw me a couple of quid towards prizes and postage\, then you can Paypal me\, again via the email address above. This will be my first attempt at runnin g anything online\, so I beg your patience.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Hello lovely friends.
\nDue to the th e ongoing plague situation\, the London Store Championship has been postpo ned\, and will likely run online at some point later in the year. But sinc e we're all stuck indoors\, we're going to have an online GNK instead. Hoo ray!
\nWe'll be coordinating via the #thamesidedeckclub channel in S timhack Slack and the Neo Thameside Inn channel on Discord. If you're not in either of those\, feel free to drop me an email via the address above. Pairings will go up on\, and games will take place on
\nWe'll do four rounds starting at 11.30\, no top cut - please be a round and contactable by 11. That's UK time. We'll have a lunch break afte r round 2.
\nI'm not going to charge an entry fee because this m ight be a total shambles\, but if you want to throw me a couple of qu id towards prizes and postage\, then you can Paypal me\, again via the ema il address above. This will be my first attempt at running anything online \, so I beg your patience.