BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2717alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20200322 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20200323 URL: ne-event SUMMARY:Iberian Lockdown #1 - An Online Event CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Did you know that + + discord = fun? Of cou rse you did...\nSo\, a lot of us on the peninsula are semi-trapped at home for quite a bit... Let's make it fun and be running while sitting \;-)\nL et's have a fun online event (max 5 rounds of Swiss\, depending on the num ber of participants) with a Top 4 Cut.\n...but it wouldn't be fun enough i f I didn't make you think a bit more than usual\, folks!\nDeck restriction s\nYou can't use any of the Top 8 IDs present at B·COM 2020. This is the list of banned IDs:\n\n\n419\n\n\nValencia Estevez\n\n\nAdam\n\n\nHayley K aplan\n\n\nMaxX\n\n\nHoshiko Shiro\n\n\nAzmari EdTech\n\n\nReplicating Per fection\n\n\nGagarin Deep Space\n\n\nGameNET\n\n\nArgus Security\n\n\nAsa Group\n\n\nPālanā Foods\n\n\nEarth Station\n\n\nDoes this include Rebirt hing into one of them? YES - YOU CAN'T REBIRTH INTO A BANNED RUNNER\nDoes this include using DJ Fenris? YES - YOU CAN'T DANCE TO DJ FENRIS WITH A BA NNED RUNNER\nPick your legal IDs (= NOT from this list) and send your sele ctions over to the organizer via email ( BEFORE SUNDAY .\nYou have plenty of time to prepare.\nParticipation\nWhile the event is primarily meant for people from the Iberian Peninsula (it's been a while s ince we all played together\, eh?)\, anyone and everyone is welcome to sig n up\, as long as you can participate in the Swiss rounds + Top Cut games. We will start at 13:00 CET (UTC+1).\nStreaming\nThere will be streaming h appening\, so if you are NOT OK with being on stream with your game(s)\, p lease let the organizer know in advance (for example\, in your registratio n email). All requests to not be streamed will be honoured. All requests t o be streamed will be considered.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Did you know that + + d iscord = fun? Of course you did...
\nSo\, a lot of us on the peninsu la are semi-trapped at home for quite a bit... Let's make it fun and be ru nning while sitting \;-)
\nLet's have a fun online event (max 5 roun ds of Swiss\, depending on the number of participants) with a Top 4 Cut. p>\n
...but it wouldn't be fun enough if I didn't make you think a bit m ore than usual\, folks!
\nYou ca n't use any of the Top 8 IDs present at B·COM 2020. This is the list of banned IDs:
\ n419
\nValencia Estevez
\nHayley Kaplan
\nHoshiko Shiro
\nAzmari EdTech
\n li>\nReplicating Perfection
\nGagarin Deep Spa ce
\nArgus Security
\n< /li>\nAsa Group
\nPālanā Foods
\nEarth Station
\n\nDoes this include Rebi rthing into one of them? YES - YOU CAN'T REBIRTH INTO A BANNED RUNNER\nDoes this include using DJ Fenris? YES - YOU CAN'T DANCE TO DJ FENRIS WITH A BANNED RUNNER
\nPick your legal IDs (= NOT from this list) and send your selections over to the organizer via email ( BEFORE SUNDAY.
\nYou have plenty of time to pr epare.
\nWhile the event is primarily meant for people from the Iberian Peninsula (it's been a while since we all play ed together\, eh?)\, anyone and everyone is welcome to si gn up\, as long as you can participate in the Swiss rounds + Top Cut games. We will start at 13:00 CE T (UTC+1).
\nThere will be streaming happeni ng\, so if you are NOT OK with being on stream with your game(s)\, please let the organizer know in advance (for example\, in your registration email). All requests to not be streamed will be honoured. All requests to be streamed will be considered.