BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2687alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20200317 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20200319 URL: sified-portfolio SUMMARY:Online tournament in Diversified Portfolio CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT:\nGiven the restrictions following the C OVID-19 outbreak we are no longer having this as an local GNK event. There fore\, we changed it to an online event instead. We will play games on jin\, using Discord as a platform for communication. Since we decided to go online\, we welcome also other players who might be interested in a ttending.\nEntry is free\, no prizes this time. Four rounds of swiss\, no top cut.\nThis will be our first tournament of this kind\, so please be ki nd to us and our shortcomings :)\nREGISTRATION: register here please...\nD iscord channel: #online-gnks\nDiscord invitation link: here\nDiv ersified Portfolio is a new format for Android: Netrunner that seeks to gi ve some lesser played corporations and unsung heroes of the game a chance to shine\, while still allowing players a lot of choice to pick decks whic h fit their play style. You will get to play with and against ID’s you h ave rarely or even never before seen at a tournament\, leading to totally new experiences.\nIn a Diversified Portfolio tournament\, each legal runne r and corp ID has a score attributed to it\, going from 0 up to 5. The hig her the score of an identity\, the more competitive and prevalent it is. A player is allowed to freely pick any runner and corp ID to participate wi th\, as long as the sum of their scores is 5 or less. For example\, they c ould pick Valencia (score 5) and The Foundry (score 0)\, Blue Sun (4) and Quetzal (1)\, or Khan (0) and SYNC (3). However\, they wouldn't be able to pick AgInfusion (4) and Kit (3).\nPlayers are not obligated to go up to 5 when choosing their ID's. In fact\, as an extra incentive to pick less po werful/popular ID's and diversify the field\, score is considered the prim ary tie breaker for Swiss ranking in this format. Thus\, if two players bo th are at twelve points after round four of Swiss\, the player with a scor e of 2 would be higher ranked than the player with a score of 5. With ties \, Strength of Schedule and extended SoS will still determine ranking as p er usual.\nFurthermore\, players who took a risk and decided to go for low er ranked identities should be awarded additional prizes. For example\, a special prize to the highest ranked player with a score of 2 or less\, or every player who played with a combined score of 0.\nOutside of these rule s\, the game plays identically to Standard format. Rotation and the latest Most Wanted List are in effect (in this case MWL 3.4b). The only exceptio ns are:\nRebirth\, which is banned from the format (for obvious reason)\nA pocalypse\, which is banned because in our experience standard Apocalypse build could be used for basically every Anarch ID no matter its rating.\nI D choices\nCorp:\nS-Tier (5 Points):\nArgus\, Titan\, Earth Station\, Gaga rin\, Palana\, Personal Evolution\, Replication Perfection\, Azmari\, CtM\ , Sportsmetal\, ASA\nA-Tier (4 Points):\nOutfit\, Blue Sun\, AgInfusion\, GameNet\, MirrorMorph\nB-Tier (3 Points):\nSSO\, Jinteki Biotech\, SOL\, A cme Consulting\, SYNC\, Making News\nC-Tier (2 Points):\nBuilding a Better World\, Jemison Astronautics\, Builder of Nations\, Tennin Institute\, Ch ronos Protocol\, Spark Agency\, Architects of Tomorrow\nD-Tier (1 Point):\ nSaraswati Mnemonics\, Harmony Medtech\, Cybernetic Division\, Seidr Labor atories\,\nE-Tier (0 Points):\nHaarpsichord Studios\, Harishchandra\, Hyou bu Institute\, Nisei Division\, Stronger Together\nRunner:\nS-Tier (5 Poin ts):\nKhumalo\, Valencia\, Hoshiko\, 419\, Geist\, Hayley\,\nA-Tier (4 Poi nts):\nMaxx\, Alice\, Kabonesa\, Smoke\, Adam\, Leela\nB-Tier (3 Points):\ nKim\, Omar\, Gabriel Santiago\, Jesminder\, Kit\, Ken\, Sunny\, Reina\nC -Tier (2 Points):\nGnat\, Chaos Theory\, Lat\, Apex\, Az McCaffrey\, Silho uette\nD-Tier (1 Point):\nQuetzal\, Fisk\, Los\, Akiko Nisei\nE-Tier (0 P oints):\nNull\, Khan\, Nero\, Iain Stirling\nStandard MWL 3.4b applies wit h two exceptions:\nRebirth is banned (for obvious reason)\nApocalypse is b anned (in our experience the standard Apocalypse build could be used for b asically every Anarch ID no matter its rating.)\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



Given the restrictions following the COVID-19 outbreak we are no longer having this as an local GNK event. Therefore\, we changed it to an online event inste ad. We will play games on\, using Discord as a platform for co mmunication. Since we decided to go online\, we welcome also other players who might be interested in attending.\nEntry is free\, no prizes this tim e. Four rounds of swiss\, no top cut.\nThis will be our first tournament o f this kind\, so please be kind to us and our shortcomings :)


REGISTRATION: register here please...\nDiscord channel: #online-gnks\nDiscord invi tation link: here

\ n

Diversified Portfolio is a new format for Android: Ne trunner that seeks to give some lesser played corporations and unsung hero es of the game a chance to shine\, while still allowing players a lot of c hoice to pick decks which fit their play style. You will get to play with and against ID’s you have rarely or even never before seen at a tourname nt\, leading to totally new experiences.\nIn a Diversified Portfolio tourn ament\, each legal runner and corp ID has a score attributed to it\, going from 0 up to 5. The higher the score of an identity\, the more competitiv e and prevalent it is. A player is allowed to freely pick any runner and c orp ID to participate with\, as long as the sum of their scores is 5 or le ss. For example\, they could pick Valencia (score 5) and The Foundry (scor e 0)\, Blue Sun (4) and Quetzal (1)\, or Khan (0) and SYNC (3). However\, they wouldn't be able to pick AgInfusion (4) and Kit (3).


Players are not obligated to go up to 5 when choosing their ID's. In fact\, as an extra incentive to pick less powerful/popular ID's and diversify the field \, score is considered the primary tie breaker for Swiss ranking in this f ormat. Thus\, if two players both are at twelve points after round four of Swiss\, the player with a score of 2 would be higher ranked than the play er with a score of 5. With ties\, Strength of Schedule and extended SoS wi ll still determine ranking as per usual.\nFurthermore\, players who took a risk and decided to go for lower ranked identities should be awarded addi tional prizes. For example\, a special prize to the highest ranked player with a score of 2 or less\, or every player who played with a combined sco re of 0.


Outside of these rules\, the game plays identically to St andard format. Rotation and the latest Most Wanted List are in effect (in this case MWL 3.4b). The only exceptions are:\nRebirth\, which is banned f rom the format (for obvious reason)\nApocalypse\, which is banned because in our experience standard Apocalypse build could be used for basically ev ery Anarch ID no matter its rating.


ID choices


S-Tier (5 Points):\nArgus\, Titan\, Earth Station\ , Gagarin\, Palana\, Personal Evolution\, Replication Perfection\, Azmari\ , CtM\, Sportsmetal\, ASA


A-Tier (4 Points):\nOut fit\, Blue Sun\, AgInfusion\, GameNet\, MirrorMorph


B-Tier (3 Points):\nSSO\, Jinteki Biotech\, SOL\, Acme Consulting\, SYN C\, Making News


C-Tier (2 Points):\nBuilding a Be tter World\, Jemison Astronautics\, Builder of Nations\, Tennin Institute\ , Chronos Protocol\, Spark Agency\, Architects of Tomorrow


D-Tier (1 Point):\nSaraswati Mnemonics\, Harmony Medtech\, Cyber netic Division\, Seidr Laboratories\,


E-Tier (0 Points):\nHaarpsichord Studios\, Harishchandra\, Hyoubu Institute\, Nisei D ivision\, Stronger Together


S-Tier (5 Po ints):\nKhumalo\, Valencia\, Hoshiko\, 419\, Geist\, Hayley\,


A-Tier (4 Points):\nMaxx\, Alice\, Kabonesa\, Smoke\ , Adam\, Leela


B-Tier (3 Points):\nKim\, Omar\, Gabriel Santiago\, Jesminder\, Kit\, Ken\, Sunny\, Reina


C -Tier (2 Points):\nGnat\, Chaos Theory\, Lat\, Apex\, Az McCaffre y\, Silhouette


D-Tier (1 Point):\nQuetzal\, Fisk\ , Los\, Akiko Nisei


E-Tier (0 Points):\nNull\, K han\, Nero\, Iain Stirling


Standard MWL 3.4b applies with two exce ptions:\nRebirth is banned (for obvious reason)\n Apocalypse is banned (in our experience the standard Apocalypse b uild could be used for basically every Anarch ID no matter its rating.)