BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2665alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20200418T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20200418T235900 URL: ionship LOCATION:Marzellenstraße 50 - 56\, 50668 Köln\, Germany SUMMARY:**ONLINE** Cologne Store Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:SARS-CoV-2 / COVID19-Update #2: Due to the ongoing pandemic we have decided to move the cologne SC online. We will play on an d use the NISEI Event Discord for voice chat during the games. In addition to that\, we will set up a jitsi room for socializing and doing the final prize giveaway. The NISEI discord can be found here: NISEI Event Discord\ nThe entry fee will still be 10 EUR to cover the costs for the SC Kit and the postage for sending the prices. Please use this registration form and pay the 10 EUR fee upfront via PayPal (\nStay safe &am p\; always be running!\nSARS-CoV-2 / COVID19-Update: Because of the curren t situation around the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus we will evaluate if we are going to run the tournament on 18.04. We will decide at the end of march at latest if we postpone the SC or move it to an online tournament. Stay Safe!\nDear community\,\nthe cologne meta is happy to announce that t he 2020 cologne nisei store championship will take place on 18.04.2020 in the StationBar. The Venue is located right next to the central station (5 min walk). Parking is possible in the car park at the central station.\nTh e registration fee will be around 10 Euro to cover for the cost of the sto re championship kit and will depend on the number of participants. The reg istration fee will be collected at the venue. The tournament will use the standard card pool and the most current MWL at the time of the tournament. \nAt around 6 pm\, after the tournament is finished\, the kitchen of the Station bar will be opened and everyone is invited to stay a little bit lo nger so we can have a nice meal together.\nIf there are any Questions\, yo u can contact me here or on Slack ("\;Colanderil"\;).\nHopefully s ee you there &\; Always be running!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
SARS-CoV-2 / COVID19-Update #2: Due to the ongoing pandemic we have decided to move the cologne SC online. We will pl ay on and use the NISEI Event Discord for voice chat during th e games. In addition to that\, we will set up a jitsi room for socializing and doing the final prize giveaway. The NISEI discord can be found here: NISEI Event Discord< /p>\n
The entry fee will still be 10 EUR to cover the costs for the SC K it and the postage for sending the prices. Please use this registration form and pay the 10 EUR fee upfront via PayPal (
\nStay safe &\; alwa ys be running!
\nSARS-CoV-2 / COVID19-Update: Because of the current situation around the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus we will evaluate if w e are going to run the tournament on 18.04. We will decide at the end of m arch at latest if we postpone the SC or move it to an online tournament. S tay Safe!
\nDear community\,
\nthe cologne meta is happy to an nounce that the 2020 cologne nisei store championship will take place on 1 8.04.2020 in the StationBar. The Venue is located right next to the centra l station (5 min walk). Parking is possible in the car park at the central station.
\nThe registration fee will be around 10 Euro to cover for the cost of the store championship kit and will depend on the number of p articipants. The registration fee will be collected at the venue. The tour nament will use the standard card pool and the most current MWL at the tim e of the tournament.
\nAt around 6 pm\, after the tournament is fini shed\, the kitchen of the Station bar will be opened and everyone is invi ted to stay a little bit longer so we can have a nice meal together.
\nIf there are any Questions\, you can contact me here or on Slack (" \;Colanderil"\;).\nHopefully see you there &\; Always be running! p>\n DTSTAMP:20250107T085850Z BEGIN:VALARM TRIGGER:-PT120M ACTION:DISPLAY DESCRIPTION:**ONLINE** Cologne Store Championship END:VALARM END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR