BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2662alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20200404 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20200406 URL: ragons-lair SUMMARY:Watch the World\, Bern - GNK Dragon's Lair CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Watch the World\, Bern\nGNK Dragon's Lair\nFirst Swiss online T ournament\n\nAll Time reference are in CEST (Switzerland)\n\n1. Format: Ne tforger\n\nGive us your e-mail address and we send you a randomly created and assigned Corp and Runner deck mixed up from different factions and all sets\nThis is a fun and casual event. NISEI Organized Play Policies are i n effect for the duration of the event.\n\n2. Registration:\n\nUse this fo rm to register at the latest on Saturday Evening\, the 4th of April 2020\, 20.00:\nRegistration Form\nNumber of players: max. 24\nThe Tournament is officially for the Swiss Meta\, but we are happy to welcome everybody who wants to join.\n\n3. Execution of the tournament:\n\na) be online on the o fficial NISEI Tournament Discord on event text channel online-gnk-2 and Ji at the latest on 9.30 CET. Please be on time!\nb) Pairings and S tandings will be on\nc) Tournament starts at 10.00. Start of each round will be announced on Discord\nd) There will 4 rounds of Swiss\, no c ut\ne) Each Swiss round timer will be set at 70 minutes.\n\nIf you have an y questions\, contact me directly:\nslack: met4 2.0\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Watch the World\, Bern


GNK Drago n's Lair


First Swiss online Tournament


All Time reference are in CEST (Switzerland)


1. Format: Netforger


Give us your e-mai l address and we send you a randomly created and assigned Corp and Runner deck mixed up from different factions and all sets\nThis is a fun and casu al event. NISEI Organized Play Policies are in effect for the duration of the event.


2. Registration:

\n< blockquote>\n

Use this form to register at the latest on Saturday Evenin g\, the 4th of April 2020\, 20.00:\nRegistration Form\nNumber of players: max. 24\nThe Tournamen t is officially for the Swiss Meta\, but we are happy to welcome everybody who wants to join.


3. Execution of the tou rnament:


a) be online on the official NISEI Tournament Discord on event te xt channel online-gnk-2 and t at the latest on 9.30 CET. Please be on time!\nb) P airings and Standings will be on\nc) Tournament starts at 10.00. Start of each round will be announced o n Discord\nd) There will 4 roun ds of Swiss\, no cut\ne) Each Swiss round timer will be set at 70 minutes.


If you have any questions\, contact me directly:\n slack: met4 2.0