BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2639alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20200209 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20200210 URL: SUMMARY:GLC RetRunner: Round 6 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Hey everyone\, the next round of RetRunner is here. As usual\, if you're a new player searching for a smaller card pool\, don't hesistate to jump in.\nSo what's RetRunner? We started with the original Core Set\, and adding monthlyish packs\, to experience the old metas again (or for t he first time). The card pool of round 6 has all the cards up to and inclu ding the Honor &\; Profit box. It's both a recurring tournament and a f ormat available to play whenever.\nHow do I join in? Just hop into the Gre en Level Clearance Discord Server and shoot me a PM with your chosen ident ities for the round (@Aowashi#6904) if you wanna participate in the tourna ment. Registration is open for the whole week\, so until February 9th.\nHo w will the tournament work? Weekly swiss round pairings: basically\, each week\, you'll play both Runner and Corp against another player. It will la st 4 weeks\, you can of course play games outside of the tournament if you want more. There's no top cut\, we found it awkward with the weekly sched ule and it leaves a lot of players with nothing to do.\nIf you have more q uestions\, check the #info and #announcements channels\, or just ask away here or there. See ya on the server.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Hey everyone\, the next round of RetRunner is here. As usual\, if you're a new player searching for a smaller card po ol\, don't hesistate to jump in.
\nSo what's RetRunner? We started with the original Core Set\, and adding monthlyish packs\, to experience the old metas again (or for the first time). The card pool of round 6 has all the cards up to and including the Honor &\; Profit b ox. It's both a recurring tournament and a format available to play whenev er.
\nHow do I join in? Just hop into the Green Level Clearance Discord Server and shoot me a PM with your chosen identities for the round (@Aowashi#6904) i f you wanna participate in the tournament. Registration is open for the wh ole week\, so until February 9th.
\nHow will the tournament work? Weekly swiss round pairings: basically\, each week\, you'll play both Runner and Corp against another player. It will last 4 weeks\, you can of course play games outside of the tournament if you want more. T here's no top cut\, we found it awkward with the weekly schedule and it le aves a lot of players with nothing to do.
\nIf you have more questio ns\, check the #info and #announcements channels\, or just ask away here o r there. See ya on the server.