BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2619alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Madrid:20200308T093000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Madrid:20200308T235900 URL: am-event LOCATION:Carrer Maria Barrientos\, 14\, 08028 Barcelona\, Spain SUMMARY:B·COM 2020 CyberCake Tag Team Event CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:What is it?\nI am turning a round number of years this year\, s o what better way to celebrate than by organizing a fun event for a good g ame and great people?\nWelcome to our Little Side Event (tm) for up to 10 teams of 2 players each (20 players in total) who like teamwork and deckbu ilding with small limitations. Happy birthday to me\, happy gaming to you :-)\n(thanks to 5N00P1 and bluehg for invaluable inspiration and alt art s upport)\nGet ready to access some delicious CyberCake!\nRegistration\nPlea se register in advance by contacting the organizer via email. Please send in the following information\n\nThe team name\nThe names or nicknames of b oth team members\nThe IDs chosen by both team members\nThe decklists (for science!)\n\nPlaces are limited\, so... first come\, first served!\nRules\ nDeckbulding follows the latest MWL in standard format\, with these except ions:\n\nEach team can only play the same faction once (no two decks from the same faction)\nEach team shares the card pool legal for single player deckbuilding. So\, a team can only use 3 copies of Sure Gamble\, Hedge Fun d\, etc. between all the team's decks.\nEach player builds Standard format decks for Corp and Runner. At the venue you will get 2 additional cards\, the cyber cake agendas. These are 3/0 Agendas that have to included in th e Corp deck. They do not count against the limit of cards as per usual rul es\, so the Corp deck can be 51 cards with 20 Agenda points.\n\nDuring the games\, the Runners put their CyberCake Agendas on the table.\nWhen the R unner steals a CyberCake Agenda\, they take it and include it in their Cor p deck\, starting with the next game. This means a Corp deck can increase in size in the course of the tournament.\nWhen the Corp scores a CyberCake Agenda they secure it\, as well as take 1 of the Runner's CyberCake Agend as (if possible).\nBoth Runners and Corps can forfeit their CyberCake Agen das in the course of the game (e.g. for Data Dealer or rezzing a piece of ICE)\, and that does not remove the CyberCake Agendas from their decks or possession.\nWhenever a CyberCake Agenda is scored or stolen it is signed by the player losing it.\nPrizes\nAt the end of the tourney\, prizes from THE VAULT will be awarded based on tournament placement AND the CyberCake points you earn throughout the day.\n...and yes\, the cake could be a lie. .. or... not \;-)\nTiming &\; Schedule\n4 Rounds of 60 minutes each wit h up to 10 minute breaks.\n09:00 Registration\n09:25 Player Meeting\n09:30 Round 1\n10:40 Round 2\n11:50 Round 3\n13:00 Round 4\n14:00 CAKE TIME\nTi p Jar\nThe organizer will have a Tip Jar available for anyone willing to s upport the event's future iterations.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

What is it?


I am turning a round number of years this year\, so what better way to celebrate than by organi zing a fun event for a good game and great people?


Welcome to our Little Side Event (tm) for up to 10 teams of 2 players each (20 players in total) who like teamwork and deckbuilding with smal l limitations. Happy birthday to me\, happy gaming to you :-)


(thanks to 5N00P1 and bluehg for invaluable inspiration and alt art suppo rt)


Get ready to access some delicious CyberCake!


Registr ation


Please register in advance by contacting the organizer via email. Please send in the following information


Places are limited\, so... first come\, first served!


R ules


Deckbulding follows the latest MWL in standard format\, with these exceptions:


During the games\, the Runners put their CyberCake Agendas on the table.\nWhen the Runner ste als a CyberCake Agenda\, they take it and include it in their Corp deck\, starting with the next game. This means a Corp deck can increase in size i n the course of the tournament.


When the Corp scores a CyberCake A genda they secure it\, as well as take 1 of the Runner's CyberCake Agendas (if possible).


Both Runners and Corps can forfeit their CyberCake Agendas in the course of the game (e.g. for Data Dealer or rezzing a piec e of ICE)\, and that does not remove the CyberCake Agendas from their deck s or possession.


Whenever a CyberCake Agenda is scored or stolen i t is signed by the player losing it.




At the end o f the tourney\, prizes from THE VAULT will be awarded based on tournament placement AND the CyberCake points you earn throughout the day.


.. .and yes\, the cake could be a lie... or... not \;-)


Timing &\ ; Schedule


4 Rounds of 60 minutes each with up to 10 minute break s.


09:00 Registration\n09:25 Player Meeting\n09:30 Round 1\n10:40 Round 2\n11:50 Round 3\n13:00 Round 4\n14:00 CAKE TIME


Tip Jar\n

The organizer will have a Tip Jar available for anyone willing to s upport the event's future iterations.