BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2616alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20200307T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20200307T235900 URL: pionship-2020 LOCATION:1\, Hallam Business Centre\, Hallam St\, Heaviley\, Stockport SK2 6PT\, UK SUMMARY:Stockport NISEI Store Championship 2020 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Come along to the first NISEI 2020 Store Championship of the se ason. Despite its name a Store Championship is a casual event suitable for casual and competitive players alike.\nPrice £10 on the day.\nFormat: Cu rrent Most Wanted List (3.4b) and Standard card pool. Proxies allowed.\nNu mber of rounds and any top cut depends on turnout\, but planning for 4 rou nds of swiss with top 4 cut. With a break for lunch.\nRegistration 1030 on wards. First round start 11pm.\nPrize Support:\nTop 16 - 3x Alt-art House of Knives cards (art by Zoe Cohen)\nTop 8 - 3x Alt-art Project Beale cards (art by Zoe Cohen)\nTop 4 - 4x Tollbooth playmats (art by N. Hopkins)\nCh ampion - 1x Regional Championship Bye (if 8+ players)\nRefer to for further details of the Store Championship kit\, rules\, format and MWL .\nFree parking on site. 20 minutes walk from Stockport train station or 8 minutes walk from Davenport train station.\nElement Games has a bar on si te.\nHot and cold food options and hostelries within a few minutes walk.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Come along to the first NISEI 2020 Store Ch ampionship of the season. Despite its name a Store Championship is a casua l event suitable for casual and competitive players alike.
\nPrice £10 on the day.
\nFormat: Current Most Wanted List (3.4b) and Stand ard card pool. Proxies allowed.
\nNumber of rounds and any top cut d epends on turnout\, but planning for 4 rounds of swiss with top 4 cut. Wit h a break for lunch.
\nRegistration 1030 onwards. First round start 11pm.
\nPrize Support:\nTop 16 - 3x Alt-art House of Knives cards (a rt by Zoe Cohen)\nTop 8 - 3x Alt-art Project Beale cards (art by Zoe Cohen )\nTop 4 - 4x Tollbooth playmats (art by N. Hopkins)\nChampion - 1x Region al Championship Bye (if 8+ players)
\nRefer to for further details of the Store Championship kit\, rules\, format and MWL.
\nF ree parking on site. 20 minutes walk from Stockport train station or 8 min utes walk from Davenport train station.\nElement Games has a bar on site.\ nHot and cold food options and hostelries within a few minutes walk.