BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2607alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Madrid:20200306T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Madrid:20200306T235900 URL: ers LOCATION:Carrer Maria Barrientos\, 14\, 08028 Barcelona\, Spain SUMMARY:B·COM 2020 - Architect of Lasers CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:ARCHITECT of LASERS\n\n7 New or reconstructed Laser ID's will b e designed specifically for this event!\n\n\nA side event for the B•COM weekend in Barcelona. A Lasers style team event\, where 3 people teams wil l face off for the title of Architect of Lasers! The event will be run as a regular KoS (King of Servers) team event with some special additions\, t he first of which being:\nYou read that right\; 7 (or maybe even more if I find the time and inspiration) new or redesigned Laser IDs! For each of t he main Netrunner factions\, the most played / thematically best fitting I D will be selected. For each of these\, a new or redesigned to be fitting to the inspiring city of Barcelona\, ID will be made. Players receive one of the ID's fitting their factions at registration on site. Any leftover I D's will be made available afterwards.\nUnlike previous Lasers events\, th is time there will be no mandatory pre registration of IDs. Teams are free to select their IDs up to the day of the tournament itself.\nThere will b e more additions to the event\, to be made public at a later date.\n\n↳ Rules:\n– Format: Standard\n– TO: Elwin / Jakuza\n– Judge: Cesar\n – MWL: 3.4b (or any as updated up to 2 weeks before the event)\n↳ Regi stration\n– Participation: Included in BCom main event\n– Max capacity : 16 teams (tbc)\n↳ Times (to be confirmed):\n11.00 – Doors open\, reg istration starts\n11.45 – Signin closed\n12.00 – Start of first round (edited)\n\nRegistration:\nClick on this link to go to a spreadsheet where you can register your team\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:


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7 New or reconstructed Laser ID's will be design ed specifically for this event!


A side event for the B•COM weekend in Barcelona. A Lasers style team event\, where 3 people teams will face off for the ti tle of Architect of Lasers! The event will be run as a regular KoS (King o f Servers) team event with some special additions\, the first of which bei ng:


You read that right\; 7 (or maybe even more if I find the time and inspiration) new or redesigned Laser IDs! For each of the ma in Netrunner factions\, the most played / thematically best fitting ID wil l be selected. For each of these\, a new or redesigned to be fitting to th e inspiring city of Barcelona\, ID will be made. Players receive one of th e ID's fitting their factions at registration on site. Any leftover ID's w ill be made available afterwards.


Unlike previous Lasers events\, this time there will be no mandatory pre registration of IDs. Teams are fr ee to select their IDs up to the day of the tournament itself.


The re will be more additions to the event\, to be made public at a later date .


↳ Rules:\n– Format: Standard\n– T O: Elwin / Jakuza\n– Judge: Cesar\n– MWL: 3.4b (or any as updated up t o 2 weeks before the event)


↳ Registration\n– Participation: Included in BCom main event\n– Max capacity: 16 teams (t bc)


↳ Times (to be confirmed):\n11.00 – Doors open\, registration starts\n11.45 – Signin closed\n12.00 – Start of f irst round (edited)




Click on this link to go to a spre adsheet where you can register your team