BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2593alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20200215T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20200215T235900 URL: LOCATION:1115 N Brevard St\, Charlotte\, NC 28206\, USA SUMMARY:Bonanza GNK CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Bring a corp and runner deck of standard legality\, under the 3 .3. MWL. Rotation and MWL announcements are at\nOptimist Hall is in walking distance of the Parkwood light rail station. If you enter v ia the Parkwood entrance\, the inside tables will be straight ahead\, with a left hand turn after the coffee shop. If you are parking and can see t he outside courtyard\, walk up the stairs\, enter the hall\, and turn to y our right and walk forward\, looking to your right.\nWe will only play in the courtyard if it is both a very lovely day outside and there is no wind . Jim is too old to chase cards across the courtyard.\nJim has several GN K kits to liquidate\, and that's not all.\nRashida Jaheem\nEarthrise Hotel \nNisei Mk2\n419\nReplicating Perfection\nArcher\nEverybody will be gettin g a playset of some staple cards\, and there ought to be plenty of opportu nities to earn some primo stuff.\nMake new pairs as soon as you are done. We want to play as many games as we can.\nThe event will end when we are all done playing\, or the venue is no longer viable because of other patro ns.\nJim expects to bring his streaming setup\, but if it's not working\, he won't be fussing with it.\nLet's have fun!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Bring a corp and runner deck of standard le gality\, under the 3.3. MWL. Rotation and MWL announcements are at nisei. net.


Optimist Hall is in walking distance of the Parkwood light ra il station. If you enter via the Parkwood entrance\, the inside tables wi ll be straight ahead\, with a left hand turn after the coffee shop. If yo u are parking and can see the outside courtyard\, walk up the stairs\, ent er the hall\, and turn to your right and walk forward\, looking to your ri ght.


We will only play in the courtyard if it is both a very lovel y day outside and there is no wind. Jim is too old to chase cards across the courtyard.


Jim has several GNK kits to liquidate\, and that's not all.


Rashida Jaheem\nEarthrise Hotel\nNisei Mk2\n419\nReplicat ing Perfection\nArcher


Everybody will be getting a playset of some staple cards\, and there ought to be plenty of opportunities to earn some primo stuff.


Make new pairs as soon as you are done. We want to play as many games as we can.


The event will end when we are all d one playing\, or the venue is no longer viable because of other patrons.\n

Jim expects to bring his streaming setup\, but if it's not working\ , he won't be fussing with it.


Let's have fun!