BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2561alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20210911T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20210912T235900 URL: championship-gz-ffg LOCATION:1975 County Road B2 W\, Roseville\, MN 55113\, USA SUMMARY:2021 Off The Grid Midwest Championship @ GZ (FFG) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:IMPORTANT: Proof of COVID-19 Vaccination IS REQUIRED to be adde d to the tournament roster. BRING A MASK.\n\nIt's OTG busting out from the throes of a global pandemic\, ready to lift that one finger salute up hig h and finally host another event put together by the homies of the Mead Cr üe. We had to cancel 2020's outing\, but now Minnesota ANR's favorite ill icit bloodsport is back and going bigger and better than ever. You're gonn a get exactly what we promised last year: More competition. More events. M ore swag.\nOh\, and we're still ridin' up dirty on the GameZenter (formerl y Fantasy Flight Game Center) like we don't give no f***s. Because baby\, that whole past year has us in a mood. We're taking it out on our [formerl y] FFG homies by wresting control for two whole days: Saturday Swiss\, Sun day Cut\, Sunday Side Events. If that sounds good to you\, come and kick i t with us.\nKeep eyes on this spot in the coming month to see more of that OTG swag. Oh\, and the prizes too.\nDetails:\nTHIS WILL BE A NISEI STORE CHAMP OR REGIONAL\, DEPENDING ON WHEN OP STARTS THE SEASON. OFFICIAL KIT A ND BYES WILL BE UP FOR GRABS.\nEvent goes down at 10:00AM CT on 9/11/21 at GameZenter (formerly Fantasy Flight Games Event Center). For those that d on’t know\, this is at 1975 County Road B2 W\, Roseville\, MN 55113\, US A. We’re doing registration for Day 1 roughly at 10:00AM\, with cards hi tting the tables at 11:00AM. Day 2 will start at 10:30AM with all qualifyi ng participants.\nDay 1 rounds are going to be 65 minutes. 6 rounds of Swi ss will be held. A break after the second round\, around 1:10PM\, will be observed for lunch and/or dinner. FFG has food\, but does not allow anythi ng ordered in. The break will be roughly an hour. Plan accordingly. There' s not a whole lot close other than nasty fast food.\nDay 2 will simply be Top 8 Cut.\nDay 2 will also have a small Eternal tournament. This will be a Single Sided Swiss with eight 30min rounds and Top 4. This will use the updated Eternal Points List as seen on NISEI's blog: Eternal Testing Tourn ament. Keep in mind any updates to the list prior to 8/28 will be used. No decklists required for this.\nEntry Fee will be $15 via Eventbrite. I nee d people to pre-order the tix to support the event and to get an idea of a ttendance. I will do same-day registrations and payment\, but I can't acce pt any cash at the venue. Also\, I have a cap of 64 seats (with possible w iggle room)\, so this guarantees you a spot!\n(Tickets will go on sale 7/4 /21 at 11:00AM and be available up to the day of the event unless sold out . Possible increases in the cap will be looked at if we reach it.)\nFULL N ISEI TOURNEY RULES\, FLOOR RULES\, MWL\, AND PACK LEGALITY WILL BE OBSERVE D. Even though this is an illicit event\, we’re not animals. Please fami liarize yourself with whatever the current official rules are\, as we will be following them in the spirit of keeping this close to actual competiti ve Netrunner.\nPlayers will be expected to bring decklists (or fill out on -site)\, and adhere to all established NISEI policies for conduct\, tourna ment rules\, and Standard Format card legality.\nScorched Earth &\; Hun ter Seeker Prizes:\nAdditional prize opportunities are what makes this OTG . Check it:\nScorched Earth is a Minnesota ANR and Mead Crüe tradition. I t is a special\, undisclosed prize awarded to the lowest ranked non-droppe d player. This is to reward their tenacity and perseverance for sticking w ith it even after it’s pretty clear winning isn’t in the cards (no pun intended). I know it's possible\, but please don't intentionally drop gam es for this.\nHunter Seekers are bounties on the heads of any former World s Top 16 Competitors in attendance (we may get @spags\, @aandries\, @Ajar\ , @paranoid\, @dashakan\, and possibly Jens). It’s simple: If you are pa ired against and best one of these top players\, you’ll have your choice of @babyweyland’s excellent alt art IDs.\nUpdated COVID-19 Statement\n& quot\;The COVID situation\, as always\, is rapidly changing. So too must o ur policies and how we respond to protect people. With the rise of Delta a mong unvaccinated folks\, OTG has a few more changes from when we first an nounced:\n\n\nPROOF OF VACCINATION IS NOW REQUIRED. Bring your card. We're not photocopying it or retaining records\, but we're checking to make sur e you're good to go before being added to the tournament roster.\n\n\nBRIN G A MASK. Masking will be a "\;Game Day"\; decision. We're still n ot technically requiring them\, but come with the expectation that we will . If case rates in Ramsey County are spiking on the week or day of\, we wi ll announce requirement at the door.\n\n\nGET TESTED. We're not requiring additional proof of a negative test\, but we urge anyone coming to get a t est for COVID beforehand. This isn't perfect\, but it will be some measure of protection to ensure we're not spreading.\n\n\nSTAY AWAY IF YOU'RE SIC K. This sucks\, but if you're feeling sick on the day please stay away. I will work with anyone in the area who has traveled in for the tournament t o get you prizes and/or a refund if you have to do this.\n\n\nKeep in mind \, if you're vaccinated the outlook is still great for you. All of this is being overly cautious in the name of safety and doing our part to not spr ead the disease. We believe this event can still be a safe and fun time.\n Love Always\,\nOTG"\;\nLinks\nDecklist Submission Forms\nNISEI Code of Conduct\nNISEI OP Policies &\; Floor Rules\nNISEI Standard Format\n(An y and all event details are subject to change. Also\, the above is in jest \; we love our FFG homies. In the case of any saltiness\, please know that any and all dickish comments will be ignored and summarily dismissed.)\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
IMPORTANT: Proof of COVID- 19 Vaccination IS REQUIRED to be added to the tournament roster. BRING A M ASK.
\nIt's OTG busting out from the throes of a global pa ndemic\, ready to lift that one finger salute up high and finally host ano ther event put together by the homies of the Mead Crüe. We had to cancel 2020's outing\, but now Minnesota ANR's favorite illicit bloodsport is bac k and going bigger and better than ever. You're gonna get exactly what we promised last year: More competition. More events. More swag.
\nOh\, and we're still ridin' up dirty on the GameZenter (formerly Fantasy Fligh t Game Center) like we don't give no f***s. Because baby\, that whole past year has us in a mood. We're taking it out on our [formerly] FFG homies b y wresting control for two whole days: Saturday Swiss\, Sunday Cut\, Sunda y Side Events. If that sounds good to you\, come and kick it with us.
\ nKeep eyes on this spot in the coming month to see more of that OTG swa g. Oh\, and the prizes too.
\nEvent goes do wn at 10:00AM CT on 9/11/21 at GameZenter (formerly Fantasy Flight Games E vent Center). For those that don’t know\, this is at 1975 County Road B2 W\, Roseville\, MN 55113\, USA. We’re doing registration for Day 1 roug hly at 10:00AM\, with cards hitting the tables at 11:00AM. Day 2 will star t at 10:30AM with all qualifying participants.
\nDay 1 rounds are go ing to be 65 minutes. 6 rounds of Swiss will be held. A break after the se cond round\, around 1:10PM\, will be observed for lunch and/or dinner. FFG has food\, but does not allow anything ordered in. The break will be roug hly an hour. Plan accordingly. There's not a whole lot close other than na sty fast food.
\nDay 2 will simply be Top 8 Cut.
\nDay 2 will also have a small Eternal tournament. This will be a Single Sided Swiss wi th eight 30min rounds and Top 4. This will use the updated Eternal Points List as seen on NISEI's blog: Eternal Testing Tournament. Keep i n mind any updates to the list prior to 8/28 will be used. No decklists re quired for this.
\nEntry Fee will be $15 via Eventbrite. I need people to pre-order the tix to support the event and to get an idea of attendance. I will do same-day registrations and payment\, but I can't accept any cash at the venue. Als o\, I have a cap of 64 seats (with possible wiggle room)\, so this guarant ees you a spot!
\n(Tickets will go on sale 7/4/21 at 11:00AM and be available up to the day of the event unless sold out. Possible increas es in the cap will be looked at if we reach it.)
\nFULL NISEI T OURNEY RULES\, FLOOR RULES\, MWL\, AND PACK LEGALITY WILL BE OBSERVED. Eve n though this is an illicit event\, we’re not animals. Please familiariz e yourself with whatever the current official rules are\, as we will be fo llowing them in the spirit of keeping this close to actual competitive Net runner.
\nPlayers will be expected to bring decklists (or fill out o n-site)\, and adhere to all established NISEI policies for conduct\, tourn ament rules\, and Standard Format card legality.
\nScorched Earth &\; Hunter Seeker Prizes:
\nAdditional prize oppor tunities are what makes this OTG. Check it:
\nScorched Earth is a Minnesota ANR and Mead Crüe tradition. It is a special\, undisclos ed prize awarded to the lowest ranked non-dropped player. This is to rewar d their tenacity and perseverance for sticking with it even after it’s p retty clear winning isn’t in the cards (no pun intended). I know it's po ssible\, but please don't intentionally drop games for this.
\nH unter Seekers are bounties on the heads of any former Worlds Top 16 C ompetitors in attendance (we may get @spags\, @aandries\, @Ajar\, @paranoi d\, @dashakan\, and possibly Jens). It’s simple: If you are paired again st and best one of these top players\, you’ll have your choice of @babyw eyland’s excellent alt art IDs.
\nUpdated COVID-19 Stateme nt
\n"\;The COVID situation\, as always\, is rapidly ch anging. So too must our policies and how we respond to protect people. Wit h the rise of Delta among unvaccinated folks\, OTG has a few more changes from when we first announced:
\nPROOF OF VACCINATION IS NOW REQUIRED. Bring your card. We're not photocopying it or retaining reco rds\, but we're checking to make sure you're good to go before being added to the tournament roster.
\nBRING A MASK. Masking will be a "\;Game Day"\; decision. We're still not technically requiri ng them\, but come with the expectation that we will. If case rates in Ram sey County are spiking on the week or day of\, we will announce requiremen t at the door.
\nGET TESTED. We're not requiring additi onal proof of a negative test\, but we urge anyone coming to get a test fo r COVID beforehand. This isn't perfect\, but it will be some measure of pr otection to ensure we're not spreading.
\nSTAY AWAY IF YOU'RE SICK. This sucks\, but if you're feeling sick on the day please sta y away. I will work with anyone in the area who has traveled in for the to urnament to get you prizes and/or a refund if you have to do this.
\n li>\nKeep in mind\, if you're vaccinated the outlook is still gr eat for you. All of this is being overly cautious in the name of safety an d doing our part to not spread the disease. We believe this event can stil l be a safe and fun time.
\nLove Always\,\nOTG"\;
\nDecklist Submission Forms\nNISEI Code of Conduct\nNISEI OP Policies &\; Floor Rules\nNISEI Standard Format
\n(Any and all event details are subject to change. Also\, the above is in j est\; we love our FFG homies. In the case of any saltiness\, please know t hat any and all dickish comments will be ignored and summarily dismissed.)