BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2551alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20200125T180000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20200125T235900 URL: LOCATION:Bismarckstraße 10-12\, 10625 Berlin\, Germany SUMMARY:1x Core + Ashes CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Create a Deck from 1 System Core 2019 (please note that in the system core set\, some cards have only 1 or 2 copies which means\, that yo u are not allowed to slot more than that into your decks!) + all cards fro m Ashes (Downfall &\; Uprising).\nThis is a 1 Core + Ashes tournament\, meaning you can play a lot of the new cards and have to play a lot of the new cards! The idea is to explore the new cards and get a feeling for th em in a stand alone environment. This should encourage people to try deck building and is welcoming for new players. So you will have time and we ar e happy to have you onboard.\nPlease register yourself\, this is a private property and you will get the details after registration.\nFormat: Swiss presumably 3 or 4 rounds\nCard Language: any\, proxies allowed (acceptable quality)\nDeck Lists: not required\nRules: 1 Core + Ashes (no MWL)\nTourn ament Organisator (TO): 5N00P1 (will participate in the tournament too)\nM ax Registration: 12\nParticipation\nParticipation: 5 EUR (for free if it's your 1st tournament)\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Create a Deck from 1 System Core 2019 (please note that in th e system core set\, some cards have only 1 or 2 copies which means\, that you are not allowed to slot more than that into your decks!) + all car ds from Ashes (Downfall &\; Uprising).


This is a 1 Core + Ashes tournament\, meaning you can play a lot of the new cards and have to play a lot of the new cards! The idea is to explore the new cards and get a f eeling for them in a stand alone environment. This should encourage people to try deck building and is welcoming for new players. So you will have t ime and we are happy to have you onboard.


Please register yourself \, this is a private property and you will get the details after registrat ion.


Format: Swiss presumably 3 or 4 rounds\nCard Language: any\, proxies allowed (acceptable quality)\nDeck Lists: not required\nRules: 1 C ore + Ashes (no MWL)\nTournament Organisator (TO): 5N00P1 (will participat e in the tournament too)\nMax Registration: 12




Participation: 5 EUR (for free if it's your 1st tournament)