BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2543alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20200119T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20200119T235900 URL: LOCATION:9 Gillygate\, York YO31 7EA\, UK SUMMARY:Critical Run 2020 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:2020\, the year the original Netrunner was set in is here - so come down to Random Encounter\, Jack in with your new cybernetics\, and th wart the evil dystopian corps.\nWhen: 19th Jan 2020 10am Doors Open - Roun d 1 10:30\nPrice: £5\nPrizes: Earthrise Hotels + common for everyone\, ar chers and extra stuff for top players\nFormat: Standard with the latest MW L and 3rd Rotation. (Sansan on wards\, no TD). Proxies and fan made cards legal. 4x 65min Rounds\n== Venue Rules ==\nNo outside food or drink allowe d in the venue\, fully licensed from 2pm. Doors open to the public at noon \, before then we will be in on our own\, please knock on the door to be l et in for netrunner.\nLunch will be between rounds 2 and 3 - please preord er food during round 1 so it will come out during (or slightly before) the lunch break.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
2020\, the year the original Netrunner was set in is here - so come down to Random Encounter\, Jack in with your new cybernetics\, and thwart the evil dystopian corps.
\nWhen: 19th Jan 2020 10am Doors Open - Round 1 10:30\nPrice: £5\nPrizes: Earthrise Hotels + common for everyone\, archers and extra stuff for top players\nFormat: Standard with the latest MWL and 3rd Rotation. (Sansan on wards\, no TD). Proxies and fan made cards legal. 4x 65min Rounds
\n== Venue Rules = =
\nNo outside food or drink allowed in the venue\, fully licensed f rom 2pm. Doors open to the public at noon\, before then we will be in on o ur own\, please knock on the door to be let in for netrunner.
\nLunc h will be between rounds 2 and 3 - please preorder food during round 1 so it will come out during (or slightly before) the lunch break.