BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2541alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Denver:20200111T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Denver:20200111T235900 URL: LOCATION:10488 W Centennial Rd Suite 600\, Littleton\, CO 80127\, USA SUMMARY:Prize-A-Palooza GNK CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Uprising is finally here! Celebrate the new year and new cards at our annual Prize-A-Palooza event! Prize-A-Palooza is a special event\, where I unload ALL of the surplus prizes from last year\, along with heaps of new prizes. You will go home with something\, hopefully lots of things ! We have playmats and more alt arts than I can even believe\, plus maybe a few surprise things.\nThis event will be at Behind the Scenes Tap House\ , which is a self-serve tap room that also serves food. You do not have to be 21 to be in the space!\nCheck-in begins at 11 when the venue opens\, w ith a tournament start time of 12. I am expecting 4 rounds\, using the mos t current NISEI standard format. This means rotation will be in effect\, a nd Uprising will be legal. Don't worry if you haven't played in a while or are new\, this is a fun and casual event!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Uprising is finally here! Celebrate the new year and new cards at our annual Prize-A-Palooza event! Prize-A-Palooza i s a special event\, where I unload ALL of the surplus prizes from last yea r\, along with heaps of new prizes. You will go home with something\, hope fully lots of things! We have playmats and more alt arts than I can even b elieve\, plus maybe a few surprise things.
\nThis event will be at B ehind the Scenes Tap House\, which is a self-serve tap room that also serv es food. You do not have to be 21 to be in the space!
\nCheck-in beg ins at 11 when the venue opens\, with a tournament start time of 12. I am expecting 4 rounds\, using the most current NISEI standard format. This me ans rotation will be in effect\, and Uprising will be legal. Don't worry i f you haven't played in a while or are new\, this is a fun and casual even t!