BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2539alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20191221T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20191221T235900 URL: rising-rotation LOCATION:23-25 Hilton St\, Manchester M1 1EL\, UK SUMMARY:Fan Boy Three Nisei GNK (Uprising & rotation) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Entry: £5\nRounds: This will be minimum of 3 rounds\, with a p otential top cut\nFormat: This will be using the newest cards and the upco ming rotation.\nWe will be using a Nisei GNK kit.\nYou will need both a ru nner and a corp deck.\nIf you haven't played netrunner before don't worry there will be players on hand!\nIf you have any questions don't hesitate t o email us at:\nFacilities:\nFan Boy Three has snacks in the form of sandwiches as well as chocolate\, sweets and ot her items. We also serve both hot and cold drinks.\nThe store is situated within the Northern Quarter which is surrounded by various shops and eatar ies.\nWe do not currently have any disabled access however we do try and m ake things as accomodating as possible for events so please do not hesitat e to contact us before hand.\nWe have toilets on site and even a booster v ending machine!\nParking: We don't have any on site parking however we do have a number of car parks close by. If you are planning on staying for a long time we suggest some of the Citi Parks in Dale Street (M1 2HG) or Tar iff Street (M1 2FJ) both of these are fitted with CCTV and are normally ma nned. There are also a number of other car parks on Port Street.\nHotels: We have a number of hotels within walking distance the closest being EasyH otel which is in sight of the store.\nTrain Station &\; Bus Station: We are an 8 minute walk from Piccadilly Station as well as the main bus stat ion in Piccadilly Gardens.\nIf you need to contact us please feel free to email us at:\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Entry: £5\nRounds: This will be minimum of 3 rounds\, with a potential top cut\nFormat: This will be using the newes t cards and the upcoming rotation.
\nWe will be using a Nisei GNK ki t.
\nYou will need both a runner and a corp deck.
\nIf you hav en't played netrunner before don't worry there will be players on hand!
\nIf you have any questions don't hesitate to email us at: fanboythree
\nFacilities:\nFan Boy Three has snacks in the form of sandwiches as well as chocolate\, sweets and other items. We also serve both hot and cold drinks.
\nThe store is situated within the N orthern Quarter which is surrounded by various shops and eataries.
\nWe do not currently have any disabled access however we do try and make t hings as accomodating as possible for events so please do not hesitate to contact us before hand.
\nWe have toilets on site and even a booster vending machine!
\nParking: We don't have any on site parking howev er we do have a number of car parks close by. If you are planning on stayi ng for a long time we suggest some of the Citi Parks in Dale Street (M1 2H G) or Tariff Street (M1 2FJ) both of these are fitted with CCTV and are no rmally manned. There are also a number of other car parks on Port Street.< /p>\n
Hotels: We have a number of hotels within walking distance the clo sest being EasyHotel which is in sight of the store.
\nTrain Station &\; Bus Station: We are an 8 minute walk from Piccadilly Station as we ll as the main bus station in Piccadilly Gardens.
\nIf you need to c ontact us please feel free to email us at: