BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2512alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Madrid:20200306T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Madrid:20200308T235900 URL: ity-netrunner-event LOCATION:Carrer Maria Barrientos\, 14\, 08028 Barcelona\, Spain SUMMARY:B·COM 2020 (Barcelona Community Netrunner Event) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Hello folks!\nYou have been waiting\, and finally here it is! B ·COM comes back: more days\, more runners\, more prizes\, more fun\, more sun (looking directly at you Terje)\, more surprises and more alcohol!\nJ oin us in Barcelona for this 3 day Netrunner meetup\, with great side even ts\, amazing surprises\, in and out the tournament\, and the greatest thin g that we can guarantee: lots of fun with lovely people!\n9 out 10 runners recommend it (The other one is not on Slack)\nWe also have our Scoop Seas on! Be the first to know by joining our Slack channel [#barcelona]\nFor tr avel purposes B·COM will finish on Sunday at 14h\nSCHEDULE\nFriday: Archi tect of Lasers\nSaturday: Tournament\nSunday: Eternal &\; CyberCake Tag Team Event\nMEME THINGS WE WILL DO DURING THE TOURNAMENT\n\n\nYou can Cha llenge another player for a First Round Face Off. To do so please Check Re gistered Players and Approved Challengers Here\n\n\nThere will be random p rizes for People's Achievements. The first Runner to achieve them must mak e a Judge Call to prove themselves. Once an Achievement is Unlocked\, it d isappears from The Board.\n\n\nFirst table will be played from inside a Ba ll Pit. Because we can\n\n\nTICKETS:\nThis includes entry for all 3 days o f the tournament\, as well as all side events.\nCareful Planning: 30€ (F rom December 19th to 29th February)\nHot Pursuit: 35€ (From March1st to the start of the tournament)\nYou might be looking to purchase a ticket fo r B·COM 2022\, if so\, you're in the wrong page\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Hello folks!


You have been waiting\ , and finally here it is! B·COM comes back: more days\, more runners\, more prizes\, more fun\, more sun (looking directly at you Terje)\, more surprises and more alcohol!


Join us in Barc elona for this 3 day Netrunner meetup\, with great side events\, amazing s urprises\, in and out the tournament\, and the greatest thing that we can guarantee: lots of fun with lovely people!


9 out 10 ru nners recommend it (The other one is not on Slack)< /p>\n

We also have our Scoop Season! Be the first to know by joining our Slack channel [#barcelona]


For travel purposes B·COM will fi nish on Sunday at 14h


SCHEDULE\nFriday: Architect of Lasers\nSaturday: Tournament\n Sunday: Eternal &\; Cybe rCake Tag Team Event




TICKETS:\nThis includes entry for all 3 days of the tournament\, as well as all side even ts.


Careful Planning: 30€ (From December 19th to 29th Febru ary)\nHot Pursuit: 35€ (From March1st to the start of the tournament)


You might be looking to purchase a ticket for B·COM 2022\, if so\ , you're in the wrong page