BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2509alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20191213T190000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20191213T235900 URL: efied-portfolio- LOCATION:Waldstraße 50\, 10551 Berlin\, Germany SUMMARY:Berlin December GNK (Diversefied Portfolio ) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:For Beginners\nWe are aiming for something interesting to play. But please feel free to bring any decks to play. Just ignore this and bri g legal decks and everyone is happy. Only if you are looking for a challen ge follow the rules.\nDiversified Portfolio\nIs a new format for Android: Netrunner\, with a focus on risk vs reward and making the choice of identi ties more tough. It seeks to give some lesser played corporations and unsu ng heroes of the game a chance to shine\, while still allowing players a l ot of choice to pick decks which fit their play style. You will get to pla y with and against ID’s you have rarely or even never before seen at a t ournament\, leading to totally new experiences.\nIn a Diversified Portfoli o tournament\, each legal runner and corp ID has a score attributed to it\ , going from 0 up to 5\, as seen below. The higher the score of an identit y\, the more competitive and prevalent it is. A player is allowed to freel y pick any runner and corp ID to participate with\, as long as the sum of their scores is 5 or less. For example\, they could pick 419(score 5) and The Foundry (score 0)\, Blue Sun (4) and Quetzal (1)\, or The Professor (0 ) and Next Design (3). However\, they wouldn't be able to pick AgInfusion (4) and Kit (3).\nIf you are going below 5 points we will support your bra ve move with extra prizes or earlier picks.\nOutside of these rules\, the game plays identically to Standard format. Rotation and the latest Most Wa nted List are in effect (in this case still MWL 3.4). The only exception i s Rebirth\, which is banned from the format. Consider it on the Removed se ction of the MWL.\nID choices\nCorp:\nS-Tier (5 Points):\nASA\, Sportsmeta l\, Industrial Genomics\, Palana\, Personal Evolution\, Azmari\, NEH\, Arg us\, Titan\nA-Tier (4 Points):\nAgInfusion\, Replicating Perfection\, CTM\ , Blue Sun\, Gagarin\, Outfit\,\nB-Tier (3 Points):\nNEXT Design\, Jinteki Biotech\, Acme Consulting\, Making News\, Sol\, SYNC\, SSO\nC-Tier (2 Poi nts):\nBuilding a Better World\, Jemison Astronautics\, Builder of Nations \, Tennin Institute\, Chronos Protocol\, Spark Agency\, Architects of Tomo rrow\, MirrorMorph\nD-Tier (1 Point):\nSaraswati Mnemonics\, Harmony Medte ch\, Cybernetic Division\, Seidr Laboratories\,\nE-Tier (0 Points):\nCusto m Biotic\, The Foundry\, Haarpsichord Studios\, Harishchandra\, Hyoubu Ins titute\, Nisei Division\, Stronger Together\nRunner:\nS-Tier (5 Points):\n Khumalo\, Valencia\, 419\, Hayley\, Smoke\, Liza\nA-Tier (4 Points):\nAlic e\, Maxx\, Leela\, Kabonesa\, Adam\nB-Tier (3 Points):\nKim\, Omar\, Gabri el Santiago\, Lat\, Kit\, Sunny\nC-Tier (2 Points):\nReina\, Gnat\, Ken\, Chaos Theory\, Apex\, Jesminder\nD-Tier (1 Point):\nQuetzal\, Silhouette\, Fisk\, Los\, Az McCaffrey\, Geist\, Akiko Nisei\nE-Tier (0 Points):\nNull \, Khan\, Nero\, Iain\, Nasir\, The Professor\, Exile\nEntry\n5 EUR to use the location\, prices for drinks are really moderate! 5 EUR for the prize pool!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
We are aiming for s omething interesting to play. But please feel free to bring any decks to p lay. Just ignore this and brig legal decks and everyone is happy. Only if you are looking for a challenge follow the rules.
\nIs a new format for Android: Netrunner\, with a f
ocus on risk vs reward and making the choice of identities more tough. It
seeks to give some lesser played corporations and unsung heroes of the gam
e a chance to shine\, while still allowing players a lot of choice to pick
decks which fit their play style. You will get to play with and against I
D’s you have rarely or even never before seen at a tournament\, leading
to totally new experiences.
\nIn a Diversified Portfolio tournament\,
each legal runner and corp ID has a score attributed to it\, going from 0
up to 5\, as seen below. The higher the score of an identity\, the more c
ompetitive and prevalent it is. A player is allowed to freely pick any run
ner and corp ID to participate with\, as long as the sum of their scores i
s 5 or less. For example\, they could pick 419(score 5) and The Foundry (s
core 0)\, Blue Sun (4) and Quetzal (1)\, or The Professor (0) and Next Des
ign (3). However\, they wouldn't be able to pick AgInfusion (4) and Kit (3
\nIf you are going below 5 points we will support your brave move
with extra prizes or earlier picks.
Outside of these rules\, the g ame plays identically to Standard format. Rotation and the latest Most Wan ted List are in effect (in this case still MWL 3.4). The only exception is Rebirth\, which is banned from the format. Consider it on the Removed sec tion of the MWL.
\nS-Ti er (5 Points):\nASA\, Sportsmetal\, Industrial Genomics\, Palana\ , Personal Evolution\, Azmari\, NEH\, Argus\, Titan
\nA-Tier (4 Points):\nAgInfusion\, Replicating Perfection\, CTM\, Blue Su n\, Gagarin\, Outfit\,
\nB-Tier (3 Points):\nNEXT D esign\, Jinteki Biotech\, Acme Consulting\, Making News\, Sol\, SYNC\, SSO
\nC-Tier (2 Points):\nBuilding a Better World\, Je mison Astronautics\, Builder of Nations\, Tennin Institute\, Chronos Proto col\, Spark Agency\, Architects of Tomorrow\, MirrorMorph
\nD-Tier (1 Point):\nSaraswati Mnemonics\, Harmony Medtech\, Cybern etic Division\, Seidr Laboratories\,
\nE-Tier (0 Points):\nCustom Biotic\, The Foundry\, Haarpsichord Studios\, Harishchandra \, Hyoubu Institute\, Nisei Division\, Stronger Together
\nS-Tier (5 Points):\nKhumalo\, Valencia\, 419\, H ayley\, Smoke\, Liza
\nA-Tier (4 Points):\nAlice\, Maxx\, Leela\, Kabonesa\, Adam
\nB-Tier (3 Points): \nKim\, Omar\, Gabriel Santiago\, Lat\, Kit\, Sunny
\nC-Tier (2 Points):\nReina\, Gnat\, Ken\, Chaos Theory\, Apex\, Jesminde r
\nD-Tier (1 Point):\nQuetzal\, Silhouette\, Fisk\ , Los\, Az McCaffrey\, Geist\, Akiko Nisei
\nE-Tier (0 Point s):\nNull\, Khan\, Nero\, Iain\, Nasir\, The Professor\, Exile
\n5 EUR to use the location\, prices for drinks are re ally moderate! 5 EUR for the prize pool!