BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2505alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20200118T113000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20200118T235900 URL: LOCATION:9 Gracechurch St\, Langbourn\, London EC3V 0DR\, UK SUMMARY:London Netrunner GNK CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:New Year\, new regular London Netrunner GNKs! Hooray!\nFollowin g on from 2019's successful experiment - can we run a GNK in the back room of a 'Spoons? We can! - we're going try to make this a regular thing\, on ce every couple of months. This will be the first. Please do come along.\n Don't worry if you're just starting out or haven't played for a while: GNK s are a casual introduction to tournament Netrunner. Also there will be bi scuits.\nWe'll have a Q3 NISEI GNK kit to be won\, plus a number of other exciting prizes\, including community alt arts and various other NISEI car ds. (If you're still looking for IPOs\, London Spoonsrunner is here for yo u.)\nFour rounds\, no cut\, standard deckbuilding rules with the latest MW L. 11 o'clock registration for an 11.30 start. £5. Hope to see you there. \n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

New Year\, new regular London Netrunner GNK s! Hooray!


Following on from 2019's successful experiment - can we run a GNK in the back room of a 'Spoons? We can! - we're going try to mak e this a regular thing\, once every couple of months. This will be the fir st. Please do come along.


Don't worry if you're just starting out or haven't played for a while: GNKs are a casual introduction to tournamen t Netrunner. Also there will be biscuits.


We'll have a Q3 NISEI GN K kit to be won\, plus a number of other exciting prizes\, including commu nity alt arts and various other NISEI cards. (If you're still looking for IPOs\, London Spoonsrunner is here for you.)


Four rounds\, no cut\ , standard deckbuilding rules with the latest MWL. 11 o'clock registration for an 11.30 start. £5. Hope to see you there.