BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2504alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20191130 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20191202 URL: SUMMARY:Eternal Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nHey Runners and Corporati ons\, now that Worlds is over\, I’m sure y’all are itching for the nex t big event. Many places will have their National Championships happening well into the new year\; however\, we’re announcing a big online event\, hosted on\nThe 2019 Eternal Championship.\nWhat is Eternal?\ nEternal is the wild west of organised play. Rotation never happened here\ , and only a small number of cards are banned.\nEternal MWL 1.2\nCORP - RE MOVED\n24/7 News Cycle\nFriends in High Places\nHired Help\nRUNNER - REMOV ED\nAaron Marrón\nBloo Moose\nFaust\nRumor Mill\nSalvaged Vanadis Armory\ nŞifr\nTemüjin Contract\nWatch the World Burn\nOld classics such as Whiz zard\, Engineering The Future\, Noise\, Andromeda\, Account Siphon\, Jacks on Howard\, and Scorched Earth return in this format. So be prepared for h igh-powered matches full of cards that have long since left Standard!\nTim es\nGoing off your feedback with our usual A and B Swiss events\, we’ll be using this event to try out back-to-back Swiss on the Saturday with the cut on Sunday. This should help people who can only commit to one weekend .\nSwiss A - 30th Nov - Check in starts 11:00 UTC\nSwiss B - 30th Nov - Ch eck in starts 18:00 UTC\nTop 8 Cut - 1st Dec - 13:00 UTC\nSwiss A and Swis s B will each consist of 4 rounds of Swiss\, followed by a tiebreaker roun d\, if necessary. The top 4 from each Swiss round will go through to the t op 8 cut.\nAs always please check to confi rm these times in your timezone.\nDespite Swiss A and B being on the same day\, players may still only play in one Swiss.\nPrizes\n1st place:\nThe t itle of 2019 Eternal Champion.\nThe chance to work with Design and Develop ment to create your own card (to appear in a future NISEI set.)\n1x Noi se/The Nihilist Playmat.\n4th place and higher:\nMirror Effect Cerebral Im aging courtesy of Jakuza.\n3x Full bleed card from Q4 Kit.\n8th plac e and higher:\nNoise\, Kate\, and Andromeda full bleed ID cards.\n3x Full Bleed card from Q4 Kit.\n\nSwiss raffle:\n3x Alternate Art Apocalypse.\ nThis raffle will be drawn at the end of both Swiss A and Swiss B. Players who complete all 4 rounds will be entered into the draw.\nSound good?\nRe gister your interest for the event here:\n hR8\nYou’ll get an email roughly one week before the event with instruct ions on how to check in on the day.\nAnd for those of you who can’t make it\, the event will be streamed by our awesome community streamers. Look out for announcements of who will be broadcasting it closer to the time.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
\n< p>Hey Runners and Corporations\, now that Worlds is over\, I’m sure y’ all are itching for the next big event. Many places will have their Nation al Championships happening well into the new year\; however\, we’re anno uncing a big online event\, hosted on\nThe 2019 Eterna l Championship.
\nWhat is Eternal?\nEternal is the wild west of orga nised play. Rotation never happened here\, and only a small number of card s are banned.
\nEternal MWL 1.2
\n24/7 News Cycle\nFriends in High Places\nHired Help
\nAaron Marrón\nBloo Moose\nFaust\nRumor Mill\nSalvaged Vanadis Armor y\nŞifr\nTemüjin Contract\nWatch the World Burn
\nOld classics suc h as Whizzard\, Engineering The Future\, Noise\, Andromeda\, Account Sipho n\, Jackson Howard\, and Scorched Earth return in this format. So be prepa red for high-powered matches full of cards that have long since left Stand ard!
\nGoing off your feedback with our usual A and B Swiss events\, we’ll be using this event to try out back-to-back Swiss o n the Saturday with the cut on Sunday. This should help people who can onl y commit to one weekend.
\nSwiss A - 30th Nov - Check in starts 11:0 0 UTC\nSwiss B - 30th Nov - Check in starts 18:00 UTC\nTop 8 Cut - 1st Dec - 13:00 UTC
\nSwiss A and Swiss B will each consist of 4 rounds of Swiss\, followed by a tiebreaker round\, if necessary. The top 4 from each Swiss round will go through to the top 8 cut.\nAs always please check htt ps:// to confirm these times in your timezone.
\ nDespite Swiss A and B being on the same day\, players may still only p lay in one Swiss.
\n1st place:
\nThe title of 2 019 Eternal Champion.\nThe chance to work with Design and Development to c reate your own card (to appear in a future NISEI set.)\n1x Noise/The Ni hilist Playmat.\n4th place and higher:
\nMirror Effect Cerebral Imag ing courtesy of Jakuza.\n3x Full bleed card from Q4 Kit.\n8th place and higher:
\nNoise\, Kate\, and Andromeda full bleed ID cards.\n3x Full Bleed card from Q4 Kit.\n
\nSwiss raffle:
\n3x Alterna te Art Apocalypse.
\nThis raffle will be drawn at the end of both Sw iss A and Swiss B. Players who complete all 4 rounds will be entered into the draw.
\nSound good?
\nRegister your interest for the event here:
\nYou’ll get an email roughly one week before the event with instructions on how to check in on the day.\nAnd for those of you who can’t make it\, the event will be streamed by our awesome community streamers. Look out for announcement s of who will be broadcasting it closer to the time.