BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2502alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20191215T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20191215T235900 URL: eetup SUMMARY:Norwich Netrunner - Casual Meetup CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:When: Sunday 15th December 2019\nWhere: Athena Games. 9 St Greg ory's Alley\, Norwich\, NR2 1ER\nStart time: 12:00 (meetup at 11:30 to giv e me a chance to put details into Cobra)\nEntry Fee: None\nStructure: 4 Ro unds\nApprox end time: 16:00\nFormat: Standard\nMWL: MWL 3.4 (http://nisei .net/op/supported-formats)\nA casual meetup for people who are interested in playing some face to face Netrunner. The plan is to use MWL 3.4 (assumi ng no update after I’ve posted this!)\, with the rotated card sets / MWL list in the link above.\nI’m planning to use Cobra\, partially to make sure the pairing ups are fair and also to allow me some practise in using it!\nI have booked some tables in Athena Games\, so a heads up on numbers would be really appreciated (best contact is by email: ian.a.thorpe {AT} h\nI’m planning to give some of the NISEI Q3 2019 Game Night Kit ( as participation priz es (as a minimum\, there will be alt art NISEI MK II for everyone).\nIf yo u have any other questions at all\, just post in the discussion I should b e able to help you.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

When: Sunday 15th December 2019\nWhere: Ath ena Games. 9 St Gregory's Alley\, Norwich\, NR2 1ER\nStart time: 12:00 (me etup at 11:30 to give me a chance to put details into Cobra)\nEntry Fee: N one\nStructure: 4 Rounds\nApprox end time: 16:00\nFormat: Standard\nMWL: M WL 3.4 (


A casual meetup for people who are interested in playing some face to face Netrunner. The pla n is to use MWL 3.4 (assuming no update after I’ve posted this!)\, with the rotated card sets / MWL list in the link above.


I’m planning to use Cobra\, partially to make sure the pairing ups are fair and also t o allow me some practise in using it!


I have booked some tables in Athena Games\, so a heads up on numbers would be really appreciated (best contact is by email: ian.a.thorpe {AT}


I’m planni ng to give some of the NISEI Q3 2019 Game Night Kit ( vailable-kits/q3-2019-gnk) as participation prizes (as a minimum\, there w ill be alt art NISEI MK II for everyone).


If you have any other qu estions at all\, just post in the discussion I should be able to help you.