BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2500alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20191214T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20191214T235900 URL: LOCATION:9012 Research Blvd #1\, Austin\, TX 78758\, USA SUMMARY:Sheriff of Servers 2019 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:When: Saturday\, December 14.\nWhere: Emerald Tavern Games & \; Cafe\, Austin\, TX.\nTeam registration closes: 11:30 am\, December 14. Please be kind to your TO and register sooner than the day of the event.\n Event registration opens: 11:30 am.\nEvent registration closes: 12:00 noon .\nEntry Fee: None.\nRegister your team here. If you're looking for a team \, get in contact with me and I'll put you in a list of free agents to get you assigned.\n \nIt's Happening!\nI'm happy to announce that the Texas Netrunner Team Tournament is arriving in Austin on December 14 at 11:30 AM ! Team up with two friends (or strangers) and duke it out for the sheriff' s hat!\n \nTournament Details\nThis is a 3-person KoS-style team event. F or those unfamiliar with Netrunner team events:\nTeams of 3 each register for the event (register on the google sheet above or by contacting me at c\, Stimslack @Uruz\, Discord @Uruz#2661.)\nNo two playe rs on a team may play the same faction\, either as runner or corp. Minifac tions are each unique factions.\nWe will play 4 65-minute rounds of swiss\ , with team prestige being the total of each player\, gained as with a nor mal tournament.\nPlayers will be seated according to their individual pres tige\, so the highest prestige players on each team will face off\, mid vs mid\, low vs low.\nTable talk\, team talk\, trash talk\, and regular talk are all allowed and encouraged\, except during the last 5 minutes of the round.\n \nFood and Drink\nThere's pub food and drink\, and coffee\, avai lable at the venue\, with plenty of alternatives within a short drive.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

When: Saturday\, December 14.


Where: Emerald Tavern Games &\; Cafe\, Aus tin\, TX.


Team registration closes: 11:30 am\, De cember 14. Please be kind to your TO and register sooner than the day of t he event.


Event registration opens: 11:30 am.


Event registration closes: 12:00 noon.


Entry Fee: None.


Register your team here. If you're looking for a team\, get in cont act with me and I'll put you in a list of free agents to get you assigned.




It's Happening!


I'm happy to announce that t he Texas Netrunner Team Tournament is arriving in Austin on December 14 at 11:30 AM! Team up with two friends (or strangers) and duke it out for the sheriff's hat!




Tournament Details


This is a 3-person KoS-style team event. For those unfamiliar with Netrunner team ev ents:


Teams of 3 each register for the event (register on the goog le sheet above or by contacting me at\, Stimslack @Ur uz\, Discord @Uruz#2661.)


No two players on a team may play the sa me faction\, either as runner or corp. Minifactions are each unique factions.


We will play 4 65-minute rounds of swiss\, wi th team prestige being the total of each player\, gained as with a normal tournament.


Players will be seated according to their individual p restige\, so the highest prestige players on each team will face off\, mid vs mid\, low vs low.


Table talk\, team talk\, trash talk\, and re gular talk are all allowed and encouraged\, except during the last 5 minut es of the round.




Food and Drink


There's pub f ood and drink\, and coffee\, available at the venue\, with plenty of alter natives within a short drive.