BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2476alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20191212T183000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20191212T235900 URL: isei LOCATION:741 New Britain Ave\, Newington\, CT 06111\, USA SUMMARY:Netrunner Game Night Kit - NISEI CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Cost: FREE!\nEvent Date: Thursday\, December 12th at 6:30 pm (Registration will open 30 minutes prior to the event)\nJoin us at Tabl etop Gaming Center for a FREE night of Netrunner tournament play. We were very disappointed when the game came to an end in 2018\, and hoped that th e community would help to keep the game alive. Well\, a great coordinator out of New Haven approached us and made that dream a reality. View their page at\nThe event will consist of two r ounds of constructed swiss. Don’t have a collection? That’s fine! Ther e will be a few extra decks on hand for those unable to bring their own.\n The schedule is as follows:\n6:00 - 6:30: Sign-ups and table assignments\n 6:30 - 7:35: Round 1\n7:35 - 8:05: Break and table assignments for round 2 \n8:05 - 9:10: Round 2\n9:10 - 10:00: Results and prize presentation\nPriz e Support:\nAll participants will receive a Nisei alt-art card (IPO)\nTop four will also receive an additional alt-art card - Security Nexus\nThe Ne xtrunner International Support &\; Expansion Initiative (NISEI) is a fa n-run organization\, with the mission to keep the game alive and thriving after the end of the official FFG era. They arrange prizes kits for casual game nights (known as GNKs)\, Store and Regional Championship competitive events\, as well as arranging tournaments at the National\, Continental a nd World Championship levels.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Event Cost: FREE!


Event Date: Thurs day\, December 12th at 6:30pm (Registration will open 30 minutes prior to the event)


Join us at Tabletop Gaming Center for a FREE night of N etrunner tournament play. We were very disappointed when the game came to an end in 2018\, and hoped that the community would help to keep the game alive. Well\, a great coordinator out of New Haven approached us and made that dream a reality. View their page at r


The event will consist of two rounds of constructed swiss. Don ’t have a collection? That’s fine! There will be a few extra decks on hand for those unable to bring their own.


The schedule is as follo ws:\n6:00 - 6:30: Sign-ups and table assignments\n6:30 - 7:35: Round 1\n7: 35 - 8:05: Break and table assignments for round 2\n8:05 - 9:10: Round 2\n 9:10 - 10:00: Results and prize presentation


Prize Support:\nAll p articipants will receive a Nisei alt-art card (IPO)\nTop four will also re ceive an additional alt-art card - Security Nexus


The Nextrunner I nternational Support &\; Expansion Initiative (NISEI) is a fan-run orga nization\, with the mission to keep the game alive and thriving after the end of the official FFG era. They arrange prizes kits for casual game nigh ts (known as GNKs)\, Store and Regional Championship competitive events\, as well as arranging tournaments at the National\, Continental and World C hampionship levels.