BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2470alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20191027 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20191028 URL: SUMMARY:GLC RetRunner: Round 4 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Hey hey people\, the next round in our series of RetRunner tour naments is now open for registration! Don't hesitate to join in if you're a new player\, it's mostly for fun and a good way to learn the game.\nSo w hat's RetRunner? We started with the original Core Set\, and adding monthl yish packs\, to experience the old metas again (or for the first time). Th e card pool of round 4 has the Core Set\, the whole Genesis Cycle\, Creati on &\; Control and the first 3 Datapacks of the Spin Cycle.\nHow do I j oin in? Just hop into the Green Level Clearance discord server and shoot m e a PM with your chosen identities for the round (@Aowashi#6904). Registra tion is open for the whole week\, so until October 27th.\nHow will the tou rnament work? Weekly swiss round pairings: basically\, each week\, you'll play both Runner and Corp against another player. It will last 4 weeks\, y ou can of course play games outside of the tournament if you want more. Th ere's no top cut\, we found it awkward with the weekly schedule and it lea ves a lot of players with nothing to do.\nIf you have more questions\, che ck the #info and #announcements channels on the discord server\, or just a sk away here or there. If you just want to join the server to learn the ga me or find opponents\, that's fine too!\nGood luck everyone!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Hey hey people\, the next round in our seri es of RetRunner tournaments is now open for registration! Don't hesitate t o join in if you're a new player\, it's mostly for fun and a good way to l earn the game.


So what's RetRunner? We started wi th the original Core Set\, and adding monthlyish packs\, to experience the old metas again (or for the first time). The card pool of round 4 has the Core Set\, the whole Genesis Cycle\, Creation &\; Control and the firs t 3 Datapacks of the Spin Cycle.


How do I join in? Just hop into the Green Level Cle arance discord server and shoot me a PM with your chosen identities fo r the round (@Aowashi#6904). Registration is open for the whole week\, so until October 27th.


How will the tournament work? Weekly swiss round pairings: basically\, each week\, you'll play both Run ner and Corp against another player. It will last 4 weeks\, you can of cou rse play games outside of the tournament if you want more. There's no top cut\, we found it awkward with the weekly schedule and it leaves a lot of players with nothing to do.


If you have more questions\, check the #info and #announcements channels on the discord server\, or just ask awa y here or there. If you just want to join the server to learn the game or find opponents\, that's fine too!


Good luck everyone!