BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2456alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20200203 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20200204 URL: urney-online SUMMARY:Netrunnaaargh! Beginners Tourney (Online) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Registration\n\nRegistration is now CLOSED.\n\nWhat is Netrunna rgh?\nThe Netrunnaaargh! tournaments are designed to encourage new people to start playing the game and help existing players dip their toes into th e competitive scene.\nThe goal is to help everyone learn more about the ga me\, meet new people and make new friends.\nNetrunnaaargh! February 2020 S chedule\nThe tournament will start on Monday 3rd February and last for 5 w eeks (five rounds of swiss\, one game per week). You will get your pairing each Monday and have one week to organise your games with your opponent a nd report the results.\nFor the first time ever\, this year we will be pla ying in a team! You will play each round on your own\, but final rankings at the end of the tournament will be for you and your partner combined. Th is means you have an incentive to work together\, help each other improve\ , test your decks and combine your powers to become stronger than ever ima gined.\nIf you don't have a teammate already\, don't fret - we will find y ou one.\nMatches\n\nThe tournament will be 5 x rounds of Swiss with no top cut. The tournament will be run through\n\nThere will be one matc h per week. You will have to organise a time with your opponent to play an d report your results before 4AM Monday morning (Berlin time)\nEach match will be two games\; one as runner\, one as corp\nEach game will be limited to 45 mins\, so each match should be no longer than 90 mins\nKick off wil l be Monday 3rd February.\n\nCard pool\n\n3 x System Core 2019\, Downfall &\; Uprising\n\nMore info is available on the tournament wiki page here .\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
\nWha t is Netrunnargh?\nThe Netrunnaaargh! tournaments are designed to encourage new people to start playing the game and help existing players dip their toes into the competitive scene.
\nThe goal is to help eve ryone learn more about the game\, meet new people and make new friends.
\nNetrunnaaargh! February 2020 Schedule
\nThe t ournament will start on Monday 3rd February and last for 5 weeks (five rounds of swiss\, one game per week). You will get your pairing each Monday and have one week to organise your games with your opponent and re port the results.
\nFor the first time ever\, this year we will be p laying in a team! You will play each round on your own\, but final ranking s at the end of the tournament will be for you and your partner combined. This means you have an incentive to work together\, help each other improv e\, test your decks and combine your powers to become stronger than ever i magined.
\nIf you don't have a teammate already\, don't fret - we wi ll find you one.
\nCard pool
\nMore info is available on the t ournament wiki page here.