BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2428alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Prague:20191207T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Prague:20191208T235900 URL: 1p-brno-cz-2o19 LOCATION:Kotlářská 989/51a\, 602 00 Brno-střed-Veveří\, Czechia SUMMARY:SL4V1C N4T10N4L Ch4mp10n5h1p\, Brno\, CZ - 2o19 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Earn your bye at the Nisei Worlds 2020! :-)\nPlease\, register yourself by this form:\nRegistration form.: REGISTRATION FORM\n\nDate: Sat urday 7th - Sunday 8th\, of December 2019\nSaturday\nDoors open: 10:00\nRe gistration starts: 11:00\nRegistration Ends: 11:55\nRound one starts: 12:0 0\nEntry cost: €20 for pre-registered / €25 on the place\nSunday\nDoor s Open: 10:00\nTop Cut Sign in: 10:15\nTop Cut Round One Start: 10:30\nSid e Event Start Times: - has a separate event @ ABR :-)\nCore XP: aprox. at 13:00\nEntry Cost: Included in main event ticket // Or €5 if you didn't enter the main event\,\nIt depends on the number of players!\nFormat: Nise i standard - the latest cardpool and MWL can be found here\nDecklists: Req uired\nProxies: Printed proxies and alt arts are allowed as long as they a re legible\, approved by the TO before the event begins\, in good taste\, and indistinguishable from other cards when sleeved\nStructure:\n\n65 Minu te Rounds\n\nUp to ​9​ players: 3 rounds\, no cut\n10-15 players: 4 ro unds\, no cut\n16​-24 players: 4 rounds\, top 4\n25-32 players: 4 rounds \, top 8\nTop Cut will be played on Day Two (See below) - It depends on th e number of players!\nTiebreak rounds are possible\, and would be run on S unday if we decide they would be needed.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Earn your bye at the Nisei Worlds 2020! :-)


Please\, register yourself by this form:\nRegistration fo rm.: REGISTRATION FORM


Date: Saturday 7th - Sunday 8th \, of December 2019


Saturday\nDoors open: 10:00\nRegistration starts: 11:00\nRegi stration Ends: 11:55\nRound one starts: 12:00\n< strong>Entry cost: €20 for pre-registered / €25 on the place< /p>\n

Sunday\nDoors Open: 10:00\nTop Cut Sign in: 10:15\nTop Cut Round One Start: 10:30


Side Event Start Times: - has a separat e event @ ABR :-)\nCore XP: aprox. at 13:00\nEntr y Cost: Included in main event ticket // Or €5 if you didn't en ter the main event\,


It depends on the number of players!

\n< p>Format: Nisei standard - the latest cardpool and MWL can be found here\nDecklists: R equired\nProxies: Printed proxies and alt arts a re allowed as long as they are legible\, approved by the TO before the eve nt begins\, in good taste\, and indistinguishable from other cards when sl eeved




Up to ​9​ players: 3 rounds\, no cut\n10-15 players: 4 rounds\, no cut\n16​-24 players: 4 rounds\, top 4\n25-32 players: 4 rou nds\, top 8


Top Cut will be played on Day Two (See below) - It dep ends on the number of players!


Tiebreak rounds are possible\, and would be run on Sunday if we decide they would be needed.