BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2421alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Brussels:20191020T133000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Brussels:20191020T235900 URL: SUMMARY:Turtles GNK - Middelkerke CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:This is the first Netrunner event around the Belgium Coast! Bet ween the turtles in the sea\, we will be playing Netrunner....\nThis is an event aimed at Newer players\, but off course other players may come and feel the seabreeze on their Titanium Ribs.\n#Location: The adress of the v enue is Koning Ridderdijk 44d\, 8434 Westende-bad. (Middelkerke)\n#FORMAT: Revised Core set BUT all Identities are legal!\n#PROXIES: are legal. If y ou don't own the cards you want to play\, you can print proxies here:\nhtt ps:// qFjgtIIIhA6MW2Qel2-4x8SSWZYwT7w\n#Decklist will not be needed. Just bring allowed decks with you. For this event we will have no MWL.\n#HowToMakeADe ck?\nA legal deck is constructed of a minimum amount of cards (listed on y our identitycard) and a maximum amount of cards that cost 'influence'. You may have up to an amount of influence depending on your identitycard. If you have questions\, just ask other players or me. You will build 2 decks: one for the Evil Corporation and one for the heroïc Runner. www.Netrunne is a great place for finding decks if you don't have any clue what to play.\n€ Entry fee will be €5 to be paid through Wire Transfer in advance (Contact me) or Cash at the venue.\nSince this is a Entry-level to urnament\, good behaviour is to be expected!\nHope to see you there!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

This is the first Netrunner event around th e Belgium Coast! Between the turtles in the sea\, we will be playing Netru nner....


This is an event aimed at Newer players\, but off course other players may come and feel the seabreeze on their Titanium Ribs.

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#Location: The adress of the venue is Koning Ridderdijk 44d\, 8434 Wes tende-bad. (Middelkerke)


#FORMAT: Revised Core set BUT all Identit ies are legal!


#PROXIES: are legal. If you don't own the cards you want to play\, you can print proxies here:\n ll/YQmgBG/?fbclid=IwAR2X7Gjbemyeti9D65bxcx05oBLfqFjgtIIIhA6MW2Qel2-4x8SSWZ YwT7w


#Decklist will not be needed. Just bring allowed decks with you. For this event we will have no MWL.


#HowToMakeADeck?\nA legal deck is constructed of a minimum amount of cards (listed on your identity card) and a maximum amount of cards that cost 'influence'. You may have up to an amount of influence depending on your identitycard. If you have que stions\, just ask other players or me. You will build 2 decks: one for the Evil Corporation and one for the heroïc Runner. is a great place for finding decks if you don't have any clue what to play.


€ Entry fee will be €5 to be paid through Wire Transfer in advan ce (Contact me) or Cash at the venue.


Since this is a Entry-level tournament\, good behaviour is to be expected!\nHope to see you there!