BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:242alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Denver:20170218T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Denver:20170218T235900 URL: p LOCATION:7211 Colonial St\, Boise\, ID 83709\, USA SUMMARY:ABU Games Store Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Join us for a back-to-back weekend of Store Championships for t he competitive card game: Android Netrunner!\nEntry is $10! However\, if y ou plan to participate in All About Games' Store Championship the followin g Sunday\, you can pay $15 and be enrolled in both!\nThe tournament will s tart at 10:30 AM\, with doors open to registration beginning at 10:00 AM!\ nThe tournament will be operated under the "\;Relaxed Tier"\; guid elines for a Fantasy Flight tournament. Each player is required to bring t wo decks: one Corporation and one Runner. Players participate in a series of swiss rounds to determine the top 8 players\, after which these top 8 p layers will participate in a double-elimination bracket.\nTime for the swi ss rounds will be 65 minutes\, with the elimination rounds being 40 (excep t for finals\, which will be 60). During swiss\, players will play a game as both Runner and Corp\, and each win will award prestige points to deter mine their rank for the next round.\nDon't forget! While our tournament wi ll run on Saturday\, you can also (or alternatively) participate in a mirr or tournament being hosted at All About Games the very next day on Sunday! \nIf you have more questions feel free to contact us:\nAddress:\n7211 S Co lonial St\nBoise\, ID 83705\nPhone: (208) 376-6019\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Join us for a back-to-back weekend of Store Championships for the competitive card game: Android Netrunner!


E ntry is $10! However\, if you plan to participate in All About Games' Stor e Championship the following Sunday\, you can pay $15 and be enrolled in b oth!


The tournament will start at 10:30 AM\, with doors open to re gistration beginning at 10:00 AM!


The tournament will be operated under the "\;Relaxed Tier"\; guidelines for a Fantasy Flight tourn ament. Each player is required to bring two decks: one Corporation and one Runner. Players participate in a series of swiss rounds to determine the top 8 players\, after which these top 8 players will participate in a doub le-elimination bracket.


Time for the swiss rounds will be 65 minut es\, with the elimination rounds being 40 (except for finals\, which will be 60). During swiss\, players will play a game as both Runner and Corp\, and each win will award prestige points to determine their rank for the ne xt round.


Don't forget! While our tournament will run on Saturday\ , you can also (or alternatively) participate in a mirror tournament being hosted at All About Games the very next day on Sunday!


If you hav e more questions feel free to contact us:


Address:\n7211 S Colonia l St\nBoise\, ID 83705\nPhone: (208) 376-6019